Sunday 31 March 2013

Friday 29th March 2013.Willoughby Waterleys to Peatling Parva 5.23 miles.

It was Good Friday and the sun was shining at last. 16 walkers met with the intention of enjoying the moment (and maybe work off all those hot cross buns too?)

A very impressive hat of the day!

There were the remnants of snowdrifts along the way from Willoughby Waterleys to Peatling Parva and plenty of mud on the bridle paths but we were too busy chatting to find it a problem.  

On the right just before Peatling Parva we passed a field with many alpacas, rather curious animals with luxurious, super soft fur coats. 

Alpacas - possible hat material?

It was good to get to the Shires where we were served steaming coffee from a bottomless coffee pot, some of us, especially the ladies, not daring to have too much because of the walk back! None of us had cakes, possibly because we were served chocolates with our coffee or perhaps it was the delicious smells of the carvery tantalising our savoury taste buds.

Leaving the Shires
On the walk back someone spotted a buzzard perched in a tree only yards from our path.  It was obviously intent on some tasty morsel and was oblivious to us allowing our close encounter, surprising us at its size.
The Buzzard

Another lovely walk!

Friday 22 March 2013

Friday 22nd March 2013.Fosse Meadows to Claybrooke. 5.8 mls.

Fosse road
High Cross
Well, the weather forecast was correct for Friday morning - wet underfoot, cold and getting colder. The eight walkers had obviously listened and taken heed of the prevailing conditions by dressing suitably for the occasion. 
It was decided not to go too far and Fosse Meadows to Claybrooke Magna was chosen. We started out from Fosse Meadows and headed up to Highcross.  The old Fosse Road is as straight as an arrow just as the Romans built it. As this part of the walk took us up to Highcross we went in search of the actual  stone cross which marks the crossing of two roman roads ie Watling Street and Fosse Way. 
Keeping warm

We continued on our way and as usual there was plenty of light hearted banter to keep spirits high in the biting wind. We headed towards Claybrooke Magna from Highcross along a fairly quiet road rather than the normal fields (ankle deep in mud unfortunately). Our destination                        in Claybrooke was The Pig in Muck for a lovely cuppa.
Log fire at the Pig in Muck 
There was a cheerful reception from the landlady and a wonderful log fire.  It was so warm that we all had to sit at the back of the room. Coffee, tea and hot chocolate were very good and we were impressed with the lunch and evening menus. Looks like a return visit for some of us in the future.

Hat of the day
After our break we set off back the same way we came. Considering the weather forecast, it turned out to be a very bracing walk, dry and very pleasant.

Saturday 16 March 2013

Friday 15th March 2013. Thorton Reservoir. 2. 5 miles

Well, there had been no let up in the awful weather that we had been experiencing. Showers were forecast early morning with heavier rain expected in the afternoon. All 14 walkers agreed that a walk around Thornton Reservoir would fit the bill nicely. 

Bottoms up
Thornton is full of wild life, always something new on show.  A swan was spotted in 'can can ' mode. Further round the reservoir a pair of Great Crested Grebes were in the process of a courtship dance which was absolutely fascinating. A couple of snaps were taken, the quality not great, but they do give an idea of  an event not seen by many.

Grebes courtship dance

As always, there was plenty to talk about. One topic of conversation was who would be selected for hat of the day. There were two would-be contenders and the hat of the day is shown below.
Grey and shaped to fit !

A fish was spotted parked on a corner of Thornton Fly Fishery.

We drove to Forest Hill Golf Club for coffee and tea with some wonderful cakes which tempted many. Everybody enjoyed the walk but it was unanimously agreed that a little sun would be most welcome in the future.

We love cake !

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Friday 8th March 2013.Cosby to Narborough via Littlethorpe and Whetstone. 5.8 miles.

Starting point at Cosby Village Hall
Fourteen walkers met on a cold damp morning. During Thursday night we had experienced a torrential downpour which had brought the brook water level up another foot. The weather forecast was for rain to arrive again in the early part of the afternoon.  Forewarned,  the unanimous decision was to stay local so we took a circular route      to Narborough then home. 

Hat of the day
On route
In Littlethorpe we turned right at Warwick Road.  After the motorway bridge we turned left on to the old railway line following the signs for Enderby Road.  After passing the tip (and the floods!) we headed towards the Toby Carvery. Here we turned  left again towards the centre of Narborough.  After four miles at a good walking pace we arrived at the  Narborough Arms for coffee, tea and a good chat!

Short legs or high seats ?

Cosy interior
It was only a short walk back to Cosby, about 30 minutes or so. 
You know, that damp cold miserable Friday morning turned out to be very enjoyable.

Hope to see you all next week.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Friday.1st March 2013 Leire to Broughton Astley 6 miles.

Stemborough Lane
 20 walkers met at Cosby Village Hall car park and the route suggested was from Leire to Broughton Astley . We parked at the playing fields at Leire, walked along Main Street to Stemborough Lane and out of Leire taking to the fields at the mill and walked to Broughton over a couple of fields. This was a good test after all the wet weather.
First muddy encounter
Three 'patches' of muddy areas  were encountered all passable with care. We  hope for  drier weather in the future weeks to enable a slow return to bridle paths and fields. A little competition was discussed on the walk "photo's of headgear" so a photo will appear each week which will be up for discussion the following walk.

"That was a bit HIGH"

"We had our Christmas lunch here last December"

The route through the estate at Broughton to the Bull's Head completely bamboozled some of the walkers. 

 Staff at the Bull's Head made us very welcome and a comfortable half hour with coffee and tea soon had us ready for the return journey.
Beware we are after your hats
Roll on next week.