Tuesday 30 June 2015

19th June Walk – 5.1 miles From Wistow in a circular route.

Fifteen of us set out from Cosby Village Hall Car park and drove to Wistow, sorted out our boots and set off uphill on our way to Kilby.  

Everything is growing well with the summer sun and the hedgerows were full of flowers, including wild roses.

This part of the route is well provided with styles, several with trip wires included where the electric fence passes in front of the style. 

There are sheep everywhere, and as a consequence there's lots of sheep poo.

This was awkward

Once in Kilby we took the path off Main Street which eventually leads us to the canal.  

The path took us through a field with an electricity pylon which gave the photographer a chance to take a picture up the middle of the pylon.

We passed a mare with foal, the foal looked very new and still shaky on its legs.
Walking along the canal tow path, we noticed an increase of canal boats as we move into summer.  

We turned off towards Wistow Church and then back to the cafe for coffee and cakes.

As befits a garden centre there were lots of hanging baskets and tubs in full bloom.

Our route from Wistow via Kilby back to Wistow

12th June 2015 Walk from Peatling Magna to Peatling Parva Approx 5.5 miles.

Ten of us met at Cosby Car Park and drove to Peatling Magna, parking in the Main Street.

The weather forecast looked good, however, it was due to get humid after lunch and there was a chance of thunderstorms. Putting on our best weather forecasting hats we looked at the sky and most of us assumed that the rain would hold off until after we got back. 

We headed south turning right on to the Leicestershire Round and following it to Meer Road where we turned left towards Peatling Parva.

As we entered Peatling Parva we went past the llama farm – Llamas look so stupid – is it just that they have such little heads there can’t be any room for a brain?

Nice hedgerow flowers.

The Shires at Peatling Parva was our coffee stop.  We sat in the garden and enjoyed the sunshine.  We also enjoyed the coffee, probably the most expensive and perhaps the best, that we come across on our Friday walks.

Walking back we went behind Peatling Hall and admired the gardens and the skill of the gardener on his ride-on mower.  Here, we are into a part of the walk with styles, lots of them, many with eroded ground so getting up and down has to be done with care.

Cows are now in the fields, it is getting more humid and the cows are lazily chewing their cud.

In the distance we sighted Peatling Magna Church Tower which lead us home.


Saturday 13 June 2015

2 - 5 PM

The Magna Carta was signed by King John in 1215, and forms the basis of UK law today.

Come and hear the story of how the Freemen of Peatling Magna made history, being the first to use the Magna Carta as a defence against the King in Court!

Procession with Medieval Musician will start at The Cock Inn at 2:00 PM

Dramatic Story to be told in the Church at 2:30 PM

Concert to follow at 3:45 PM

Entrance is FREE

FREE Car Parking

Refreshments available all day at The Cock Inn

Any Charitable Donations will go to the Church and Hope Against Cancer

A date for the diary.

Everyone enjoyed the walk and looking forward to next week. Wistow Park was mentioned.

Saturday 6 June 2015

5th June 2015 Market Bosworth Country Park to the Battlefield Centre and back via Sutton Cheney.

Eleven walkers turned up on a beautiful sunny day, the temperature soaring over twenty degrees C. 

We set off to Market Bosworth Country Park  totally ignoring the forecast 'risk of localised, very heavy thundery downpours' -  the sun was shining (unlike last week, you remember?), we were going to make the most of it.

After parking and booting up we set off towards Market Bosworth village centre.

Not sure what the cow, dog, spoon and cat were trying to tell us but they looked very artistic so we snapped them!
At Sutton Lane we turned left and headed out of the village.

The sun makes all the difference on a walk, it's warm so everybody is happy. May it continue.

We turned off the track into the fields after about a mile and found everything growing well, crops, wild flowers and weeds, the nettles in particular.

After another mile or so we approached the Battlefield Centre which tells us all about the Battle of Bosworth and the defeat of King Richard III.

Now the sign below is something that we're not familiar with. Yes, we did look but we couldn't find any teeth. Another thing, this is England not Florida, we don't mind the odd cow now and again but alligators, no thank you.!!!!!

At the visitor centre we sat outside enjoying the sunshine, a cuppa and the odd cake or two. As usual when food is on the table Willie and Sheila aren't far away.

After the break, one or two of us decided to get our legs out for the rest of the walk.

We set off towards the village of Sutton Cheney.

The views and countryside were fabulous.

On reaching Sutton Cheney we turned left back towards Market Bosworth.

 Spotted something on a lake.

Trying to get that fantastic photo. 

We sometimes come across parts that are not quite so pretty but he farmer has to leave his tools of the trade somewhere I suppose.

The final gate, a smashing walk and sunshine all the way.

See you all next week.

Route of  the  walk

P.S Willie and Sheila are going on  holiday (again!) so will not be around for a couple of weeks.