Thursday 18 April 2024

12/4/2024 walk from Mowsley to Gumley.

Waiting for a few more to arrive before the off.

Love the lambs

This is the way to get around. You can see the rabbits from up top.

We soon got to Laughton, one of the chocolate box villages of Leicestershire.

The village green.

Ideal place for a group photo.

Say cheese 

No dialling tone?

The cherry trees.


Spring flowers and blossom everywhere.

A lovely village to walk through. Spring is definitely here.

On our way to Gumley with views of Leicestershire.

The bikers have arrived. Okay, it was noisy but really different and such friendly people.

Lambing season is full on and the farmers obviously very busy.

More views of Leicestershire to the right.

Gumley, the old church is very photogenic.

Down in the village and the local library.

Waiting for friends to arrive to join them at the Bell. 

Just checking we're all here before going in for drinks.

A little news update for everyone.

Always somebody new wanting to join the gang.

Getting ready for the off and the return journey.

A very 'English' view


Back into Laughton and those cherry trees.

Well that was a good walk, just the job, cleared the cobwebs, no rain  for a change and a good natter. Just the ticket.

See you all next week.

Wednesday 17 April 2024

5/4/2024 Walking up Whistle Way Enderby.


Grey clouds but no rain yet !!

Off we go. hopefully not too much mud.

The bridle way which leads to the busy B4114.

Across the local golf course.

First obstacle and a helping hand down the slippery slope.

Just a bit of mud.

Up on to Whistle Way, the old railway track.

Amazing bumping into family on our walk.

Checking out the new surface.

Fixings for the bridge on the old railway still visible here and there.

A little bit of the old surface.

And the new surface, much better.

Though still a few puddles.

The last bit of the walk up the old railway.

Off down to the garden centre for coffee.

Meeting up with friends at the Duck House.

Getting ready for the off.

Approaching Enderby village.

A new thatched roof.

Then past the Dog and Gun pub and down to the car park at the Leisure Centre.

A glimpse of the first of this year's bluebells,  looking forward lots more to come.

See you all next week.