Monday 19 March 2018

16th March 2018 Walking from the B4114 Lay By to Broughton Astley app 4.8 miles.

Meeting up at the lay by, 22 walkers altogether.

The weather forecast was rain for later on in the afternoon. Hopefully, we won't need full waterproof regalia.

Off up into the countryside leaving the roads behind us for a while.

Looking to the left, although not shown in the picture, residents of Broughton Astley were remarking on how far new building had extended from the old boundaries of the village.

We think these units are old piggeries. They're certainly showing their age, a bit saggy in the middle nowadays (if you know what I mean!).

No sign of Percy today.

Perhaps he's got a new tractor and not changed the sign.

Broughton Astley is twinned with Gévezé  a commune in the Ille-et-Vilaine department in Brittany in northwestern France. 

Walking into the local park to check on the W.I.'s tree planted to commemorate 100 years.

After a stroll through part of the village we headed for the White Horse and a cuppa.

Nothing like a cup of coffee/tea and a bit of sunshine to make everyone smile. 

After a long 1/2 hour we got ready for the walk back to the cars.

Past the church again and back along the bridle track leading to the cars.

A couple of daffodil shots - spring is on the way.

Looking forward to next week - hope the weather will be as nice as it was today.

Wednesday 14 March 2018

9th March 2018 walking in Watermead Park. app 6 miles

Arrived at Watermead Park, a little bit on the grey side otherwise dry.

Watermead caters for a lot of outdoor enthusiasts.

Interesting carvings on the surrounding trails adding to the features of the park.

Last of this year's snowdrops, waiting now for the daffodils and some warmer weather.

Lots of wildlife to spot as you walk around the lakes.

All well wrapped up we set off from the car park.

Not very green at this time of the year.

Lots of debris from the flood waters. Unfortunately, a lot of it is man made junk thrown away by people who just cannot be bothered to take it home or put it in a litter bin.  How can people be so selfish?

Over the canal bridge close to one of the locks that was under refurbishment last time we passed this way. 

A canal boat for sale - only £14000 - any offers? 

Now't like a bit of fun. You're never too old you know.

Brilliant idea for a picture frame - bit heavy for the lounge wall though.


We stopped to admire King Lear and the photographers took some pictures.

A pile of tree cuttings made an interesting subject.

This heron on the canal side wasn't phased by us at all and stood absolutely motionless as we passed by.

On to the watering hole for the day. Have to say it wasn't a great success - the coffee etc wasn't up to standard. 

We decided to give it a miss next time and try another venue.

Everybody was keen to get started again because it was getting a little bit on the cool side.

Funny how the return trip always seems much quicker.  

The wear which keeps the waterways filled up around the park.

You can't get lost on the way back because you know you have to head for the mammoth on the horizon.

Quite a large prehistoric beast. Wouldn't want to have one of them chasing us on our walks.  Cows are bad enough!

We have a note for your diary.

We've been walking on Friday mornings as a group for about 10 years  and at present we're trying to determine exactly when it was we started. In the meantime Jill had the great idea of a walk at our usual time with dinner in the evening (minus muddy boots) to celebrate the occasion.

With that in mind we've booked the Holly Bush at Ashby Parva on Friday 13th April for a 6.30pm start.

Please let us know by 16th March if you would like to come, partners too of course.