Monday 1 June 2015

Friday 29th May 2015 Cosby village -we had to cancel our planned walk.....................


We had to postpone our planned walk from Packwood House to Baddesley Clinton in Warwickshire due to a very bad weather forecast which turned out to be absolutely spot on - as you can see!

It's a lovely walk so we'll do it sometime soon. 

Our walkers had been informed the day before that our planned walk had been postponed, and that Plan B was to be a local walk from the village hall car park at 10.30am as usual. Amazingly, eleven game walkers turned up and as we put on our water proofs it was decided to move onto Plan C because of the deluge - somebody had decided to turn the taps full on!!

Plan C was - take a 500 yd walk to the the village cafe - a good idea!

We all settled down to tea and  coffee (it was a little early for cake, although there was plenty to tempt us) and the conversation drifted from holiday plans to where some of us had been recently. How on earth did we have time to go to work.

Eventually the rain stopped and as we'd been sitting for quite a while we decided to stretch our legs and walk around a bit of the village, Plan D so to speak.

In the distance, menacing grey and black clouds were rapidly approaching so Plan E was put into operation - back to the car park as quickly as possible - another good idea!

We  said our goodbyes and  hope that next week we'll have better weather, sunshine would do very nicely.

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