Tuesday 30 April 2013

Friday 26th April 2013 Cosby to Croft via the fields. 6miles

Millennium  village sign
 Down at the village hall car park 19 walkers had gathered on a grey, and weather wise,  not a very promising  morning. Undeterred, it was agreed to walk from the car park to Croft,  about three miles away. We took to the fields at the top of Croft Road in Cosby and saw the welcome sign of the crops starting  to burst into life, particularly the first sight of the distinctive yellow of rape seed.The farmers have had more than the usual struggle with the elements this year, perhaps even more than most of us. The fields of wheat and oil seed rape are at least one month late in developing. 

The picture  shows how lucky walkers are in our area as many farmers now leave a path across sown fields.
Leicestershire County Council should also have credit for the way the path markers are maintained -  very visible and there are usually no problems following them as you can see the bright yellow tips of the posts from quite a distance.

Most of the bridges are well maintained and it is very rare that we come across something that is impassable. 

 After crossing over the busy B4114  on the way to the Heathcote Arms in the centre of Croft we came across a field of grazing horses who were, to say the least, quite inquisitive. Croft,  incidentally has a large quarry which has a great walk around its rim but that will be for another day no doubt.
Heathcote Arms
At the pub which also has a restaurant, coffee and tea were ordered. The weather had changed for the better so we all sat outside enjoying the sun.  The very friendly and welcoming Landlord brought out a couple of plates of delicious lemon cake which was most appreciated and didn't stay on the plates very long!

A photo of a hat was taken also some rather trendy leg gear. Perhaps in future blogs we can concentrate on feet rather than heads.

We set off back to Cosby chatting about the better weather ahead 

and now that the bluebells are making an appearance planning a walk to see them in their full glory in a couple of weeks time. 
Cosby in the distance

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