Friday 31 May 2013

Friday 31st May Cosby to Broughton Astley via Dunton Bassett Approx 6miles

There were only five walkers today due to holiday commitments and not very good weather. One of the walkers e mailed a description of the walk which is as follows.

'We walked part way up Shuttleworth Lane, then followed the waymarked path to pass under the old railway line to come out on Cottage Lane and crossed straight over to eventually reaching  the bend in the road that takes you to Dunton Basset. Then we followed the  footpath into Broughton and stopped  at the pub (Red Admiral) I think! The landlord was very pleasant and there was a nice beer garden. Returning home we walked to the beginning of Cottage Lane, turned left over the waymarked field path and part way up the lane which comes out on the Broughton Road opposite to where the Cosford Polls were farmed.  There was very busy traffic on the road walking back to Cosby.'

No photographs available

Friday 24 May 2013

Friday 24th May Cosby to Enderby Approx 5.5 Miles.

Holidays have interrupted the normal blog for a couple of weeks.

Cosby to Enderby Walk.

Because of all kinds of reasons such as holidays,  grandchildren etc. there were only five walkers.  The weather wasn't very kind either. No photographs were available.

Sunday 19 May 2013

Friday 17th May Staunton Harold Church and Hall to Calke Abbey. 7.65 Miles.

Our destination this week was Staunton Harold Church on the Leicestershire and Derbyshire border, about a forty minute drive so all twelve walkers met a little earlier than usual at 9.30am.

Staunton Harold Church

Off we go

 We started our walk from the car park at Staunton Harold  and set off  through fields of dandelions, mud and a few stiles.

I wish I had longer legs
After passing many inquisitive 'farmyard friends' we took a short break at Calke Abbey.

We then headed for the area of  woodland that was carpeted in  bluebells, very beautiful - in fact all our walk was very beautiful.

Group discussion

It's all ups and downs


We returned to  Calke Abbey for lunch and a bit of a natter.  Others along the way had  decided it was feeding time too. 

Move over - its my turn

Two coffees please - we'll be there in five minutes.

We all enjoyed those packed lunches - all the fresh air makes you hungry.

That bread pudding looks really yummy
Lunch finished, we enjoyed our walk back to Staunton Harold by a different route as it involved skirting the reservoir and the deer park.



Hat of the day went to a rusty relic.

We all had a great day and roll on the next one.

Just arrived  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Friday 10th May. Ratby, Burroughs Wood to Forest Hill Golf Club. 3.2 miles.

11 walkers gathered on a windy Friday and decided to check out the bluebells in Burroughs Wood at Ratby.

Without a doubt Burroughs Wood provided some of the best views of carpets of bluebells in Leicestershire.


The walk is only short but it takes a while when trying to remember the names of the flowers and fungi.

We hope to see everybody next week -   it's a 9.30 start for   Staunton Harold and Calke Abbey - don't forget your packed lunch!

Saturday 4 May 2013

Friday 3rd May 2013 Broughton Astley to Cosby via the fields. 5Miles

Driving out of the village to Broughton Astley we stopped at Granny Smith's cafe to let them know that 20 walkers would be calling in at approximately 11.45.  As it was such a glorious morning a couple of snaps were taken of our beautiful tranquil village. 

It had been decided to start our walk from the Bull's Head at Broughton Astley  so that we could try out our new cafe and deli Granny Smith's  in the Nook, Cosby (roughly our half way point).

At Broughton we joined the path which passed the allotments and turned towards Sutton Fields farm. Here, in a byre, we found  cows with their calves feeding,  soon to be released on to fields of  lush green grass.

The ladies thought they look ever so cute (especially as they were on the other side of the fence!). When we come across a field of cows on our walks we do treat them with great respect.  Further down the path ponies were spotted and they all seemed to be in good spirits cantering around the fields enjoying the sunshine.

Here is a candidate for the hat and boots photo of the day. 

As we approached Cosby we had a group photo taken at the hedgeless/fenceless style which is often climbed just because it's there.

  On approaching Cosby we headed for Granny Smith's.


 Inside we all enjoyed our coffee and tea and other delights as you can see.

 We took a different route back to Broughton.

The brook on Broughton Road

A great day was had by all.

 P.S. We don't always hit the fields at their best as the photos show below - but they have to be ploughed now and again.

Ah well !!!
Additions have arrived to the group photo taken at the Style with no attaching fence or hedge.