Friday 31 May 2013

Friday 31st May Cosby to Broughton Astley via Dunton Bassett Approx 6miles

There were only five walkers today due to holiday commitments and not very good weather. One of the walkers e mailed a description of the walk which is as follows.

'We walked part way up Shuttleworth Lane, then followed the waymarked path to pass under the old railway line to come out on Cottage Lane and crossed straight over to eventually reaching  the bend in the road that takes you to Dunton Basset. Then we followed the  footpath into Broughton and stopped  at the pub (Red Admiral) I think! The landlord was very pleasant and there was a nice beer garden. Returning home we walked to the beginning of Cottage Lane, turned left over the waymarked field path and part way up the lane which comes out on the Broughton Road opposite to where the Cosford Polls were farmed.  There was very busy traffic on the road walking back to Cosby.'

No photographs available

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