Wednesday 16 October 2013

11/10/2013 Friday walk from Dunton Bassett via Cottage Lane to Broughton Astley

 A new member of the walking group arrived today - Willie Walker as he likes to be called. Apparently, he is a very experienced walker who likes different routes every week just the way the group do.
He also likes holidays and gets here, there and everywhere - it just depends on who has space in their rucksack where he can snuggle down for the trip - he's not fussy. No doubt we will all enjoy hearing from Willie on his exploits in the future. He's obviously a very likeable chap and has already been offered a trip to Derbyshire this weekend !!

The weather had changed for the worst and as predicted by the experts, cold, damp and drizzling.  All eight of us set out well wrapped up,  zips up, hoods up.  It soon got a little better which cheered everybody up, not that they needed cheering up as they are a very happy bunch of walkers. 
The route took us through some fields of cows which got quite nosey. Then somebody mentioned McDonald's and they wandered off to the other side of the field.  As we passed another field, a group of horses popped their heads over the fence to say hello.

We then wandered down Cottage Lane towards the centre of Broughton Astley and The Bull (it opens at 12.00).

Settling down to a cup of coffee and a natter,Willie circulated and thought the sugar lumps were quite nice. Then he found an interesting pumpkin but decided not to partake as he still had some walking to do

After coffee it was decided that as Christmas was approaching fast, we should book in at the Bull as we did last year so we are stopping there at 12.00 for our Xmas celebration on Friday December 20th. One for your dairy - not to be missed.

Then we all set off back to Dunton Basset through woods and across waymarked fields. Whilst relaxing  and watching what was happing in an adjacent field Willie quite lost his cool and fell off his perch laughing.

After much laughter we all set off through a field of maize which had grown a little on the tall side.


When we passed the sign for Stemborough Mill somebody mentioned we hadn't been in that part of the world for a while - a walk for the near future no doubt.  It had been a damp walk but you know next Friday could be much better. See you all then.

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