Thursday 28 November 2013

Friday 13th November 2013.Walk around the outskirts of Cosby.Approx 6.2 miles.

"Checked the blog and Willie (in Oz) has got all the sun"

Thirteen of us met for a walk around the fields of Cosby. Walking out of the village on the road towards Narborourgh we turned left just before the Littlethorpe sign heading off towards Croft Road.

In some cases because the fields were quite wet in parts we simply walked round the edges; this spread the party out quite a bit.

Cosby is surrounded by farms and walkers do appreciate the help from farmers in keeping paths marked and clear  of  obstacles.

Crossing over Croft Road we headed off in the direction of Broughton Astley. At the top of the hill we turned left towards Broughton Road.

Remember this style?
At Broughton Road we turned into the village to our local cafe Cranny in the Nook for coffee/tea/cake and a chat.

Enjoying a cuppa

Having arrived back in the village some of the walkers thought that was it for the day but no - we'd only covered half the walk! As shown on the map above, our walk was in the form of a figure of eight.  Leaving the village on the Broughton Road we turned left into Chapel Lane and headed out towards the fields next to the golf course.

Then over the golf course for a short distance and out over the old railway bridge.
We headed towards Shuttleworth Lane after the foot bridge then turned right back towards the village.

Down Shuttleworth Lane back to Cosby.

See you all next week.

Sunday 24 November 2013

More pictures of Willie from down under. 24/11/2013

Received these pictures of Willie down under.

One thing that jumps out at you the weather looks a little sunnier across there.
I,m on the right

Where are we going tomorrow?

Should be some cushions you know

Love climbing
Love sliding

It is quite high up here

Thursday 21 November 2013

Christmas Walk and lunch............ NEW DATE..........13/12/2013.

Christmas Walk and lunch .......NEW DATE.............13/12/2013

Due to the 20th been double booked in the bar of the Bull at Broughton Astley. Because it was short notice I have taken the decision to change it to the 13/12/2013. This was free when I went to confirm arrangements. Same venue the Bull at Broughton Astley. Cost £5.00. 

If you see or know of somebody on the walk that wants to come. Please let them know of the change of date. 

See you at Cosby Village Hall, Friday 22/11/2013. 

Monday 18 November 2013

Gumley via Debdale Wharfe , Foxton and Foxton Locks. Circular walk approx 5 mls. 15/11/2013

After meeting at Cosby we drove to Gumley for the start of our walk. 

What a glorious November morning it was as twenty one walkers gathered for a walk from Gumley down to Debdale Wharfe  and across to Foxton.
Setting off and lots to talk about

Sun does interfere with some snaps but 'hey ho'

Cows grazing 

It was heavy going around by the styles but the natives were very friendly.
Just put your head up a little PLEASE !!!!

Leaving the fields we headed through some farm buildings for the village of Foxton. 

We joined the canal's pathway at Foxton for the short walk to Foxton locks.


At Foxton Locks we had our break .

Just passing

After our break we went to inspect the renovations to the locks. As you can see, no water so no boats today. 


The sun reflecting off cobwebs strewn across the meadow 

Our walk ended back in Gumley from Foxton Locks. Everybody enjoyed the fantastic views that we had seen on such a crisp, bright November morning.