Wednesday 15 January 2014

Friday 10 January 2014 Walk around Draycott Water app 5 miles.

It was a nice brisk clear morning as we gathered at Cosby Village Hall car park for our walk. It was planned that we all go to Draycote Water which is situated on the other side of Rugby. Sixteen walkers turned up and we soon sorted ourselves into cars for the journey there.

There is a  fairly flat five mile tarmac road all the way around the reservoir which is ideal for a brisk walk.

On arriving at Draycote we decided which way we were walking around the reservoir and got on our way quite quickly.

There is a lot of wild life on the water which is great for bird watchers.

An interesting fact dug out of Wikiepeidia -  The embankment here was for a time the second largest dam in the world - only the Aswan dam of Egypt was larger. The reservoir is filled by water that is pumped uphill from the river Leam at Eathorpe village and also from a supply at Stanford reservoir north of Rugby.

The alpacas grazing in the fields around Draycote now number over two hundred.

Sensory Garden -  new last year
Happy walkers
There is a very nice refurbished restaurant where we all went for tea and coffee and quite a few couldn't resist the cream scones.

Ah well !
Willie and Sheila enjoyed the walk and were very impressed with the boating facilities.

Before we departed they took in the fabulous views from the side of the reservoir. 

 We all enjoyed the walk, the weather was very good and everybody is looking forward to next week.

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