Friday 30 May 2014

Friday 30-05-2014 Walk round Thornton Reservoir 2.5 Mls

Okay, we have been there within 6 months or so, but when it rains like it has for the last four days you need to go where it's known to be drier underfoot, not too much standing water and safe, so off we went, all fourteen walkers, to Thornton Reservoir.

Two snaps of us getting ready to go - the first is before somebody shouted 'smile for the birdie,' and the second is, you've guessed it, after somebody shouted 'smile for the birdie'.

A quick view of the reservoir before we all set off down the lane.

On this occasion the front walkers were going at a gallop, thus they failed to see or hear a fisherman in a boat clatter about then with a great splash land fully clothed into the reservoir. Scrambling for a camera and keeping an eye on the poor guy who had fallen in (just in case he was in difficulties) a couple of snaps were taken of the incident. He eventually hauled himself back into the boat, not without difficulty and much to our amazement. Obviously rather wet and soggy he and his mate started rowing back to the shore.

Nearly back in

Wet but safe
Willie and Sheila joined us for this walk but forgot to bring the photos of Spain with them. No doubt these will be available for the next edition. 

Here they are on the left posing with a fish and below, Willie counting legs on a giant caterpillar. 

When at Thornton you have to have a photo of the ducks, geese and the rest of the feathered group looking for treats from passers-by.

So it was across the dam back to the cars and off to the Golf Club for tea and coffee.

The dam on the right is quite long and the pavement is quite narrow - not very good if you try to walk side by side.

 Last one to the golf club pays?

Everybody enjoys a good natter in the nice surroundings of the golf club. Must note that the staff are very friendly and helpful.

A nice day out even though the walk was short. Wonder where we will be walking next week ?

P.S. Please note that  July 11th has been chosen as our away day to the Derbyshire Dales.
The walk selected is Peter Dale and Miller's Dale.

It is suggested that we leave Cosby car park at 9am (journey time approx 1.5 hours) to Miller's Dale car park on the Monsal Trail.

Walk to start at approx 11 am with a stop for a packed lunch.
Walk plus break approx 5hrs.

Near to Millers Dale is the village of Litton with a small pub which serves a very good meal. Those of us who wish to could make our way there for an early dinner, approx 5.30/6.00 pm.

The more the merrier - looking forward to a good turn out.

Sunday 25 May 2014

23-05-2014 walk from Croft to Stoney Cove, Stoney Stanton approx 5.5mls.

Weather wise, it didn't promise to be a pleasant day. We'd had lots of rain 
during the night and according to the weather forecast it was to be much of the same later.

After leaving our cars near the church at Croft, twelve of us set off for a walk to Stoney Cove Diving Centre.


Having found the memory of one of the cameras full some of our photos were taken using the camera on a phone - great this technical world we live in -  if something fails, there's usually a back up.

We lost the path immediately and it took  a bit of head scratching to sort it out!

Coming across a piggery, the girls thought the piglets were cute and the guys thought of pork chops and crackling!!

Not for the faint-hearted this walking business - here we are tackling a flood under the railway bridge. 

Over the last style and down to the cove for coffee and cake.

After leaving the cafe we spotted divers surfacing in the cove and baby coots following mum coot.

Looking at the coots.

Setting off for home we passed a familiar sign, then after crossing over a rustic bridge, we were well on our way.

Almost there

It was good day considering the original forecast.

See you all next week.

PS  Have heard on the grapevine that Willie and Sheila have returned.

17-05-2014 Round walk from Blaby via canal and Countesthorpe. app 5.5mls

 9 of us met at the Village Hall Car Park in Cosby.  We welcomed a new walker, a friend of one of our regular walkers.

We went to Bouskell Park where we parked, noting that we would have to get back within 3 hours.  We set off towards the canal.

Lunch was at Glebe Garden Centre, coffee and cake.

It was a warm spring day and we enjoyed the walk.


Back over the fields and back to Bouskell Park, just in time.

P.S. Willie and Sheila are still in Spain.

Saturday 10 May 2014

Friday 9th May 2014 Cosby to Narborourgh via Littlethorpe and Whetstone approx 5.7 Miles.

The weather forecast was for 'not a very nice day', so 12 walkers opted for a route that we hadn't walked for quite a while and normally just during the winter months. 

We started walking from the car park at the Village Hall straight over the park, not daring to tread on the hallowed cricket pitch, then out of the park and out of Cosby heading for Littlethorpe.

In Littlethorpe we overtook a motorcycle. The reason we managed to overtake it was that it was being pushed by hand. Nearly all the male walkers stopped and thought of bygone days when similar vehicles were part and parcel of everyday life; this BSA looked in very good nick.

As we left Littlethorpe we headed down to Whetstone taking the disused Great Central railway line which has been turned into a footpath.

We walked past the re-modelled tip which is now fully operational and best visited during the week because weekends are usually pretty manic.

We came to the part of the walk which can flood. From Whetstone towards Narborough we turned left into the fields on the public footpath and walked over a bridge which is often underwater.

 The Last of the Summer Wine?

Leaving the fields in Narborough we walked under the motorway bridge heading for tea, coffee and cakes, yum yum.

We congratulate Cafe Narborough on their scones.

After our break we set off on our walk back to Cosby via
the railway bridge and a humped crossing.

As we came back into Cosby we came across a beautiful Wisteria.

Back into the park at Cosby.

Great walk, wonderful company and looking forward to the next walk.

P.S. Anybody know where Willie and Sheila are ?