Sunday 26 October 2014

24/10/2014 Fleckney to Wistow via canal then return journey by fields.

The weather forecast was a bit on the non committal side, 'will it,   won't it rain?'.  All twelve walkers, although well prepared, would prefer it didn't.

All togged up

The weather started to brighten up after a short distance so the odd patch of mud didn't look so sticky in the sun.

Milk bar is over there.
I was here first.

We passed fields of cows on our way down to the canal side and then on towards Wistow.


We turned left over a bridge into the fields with Wistow Church in sight and then up to the garden centre cafe for a cuppa and a cake


All togged up again, we were ready for the return round trip over the fields to Fleckney.


Eyes down


 The paths become muddy and a little on the narrow side where farmers had just planted their crops.

On reaching the outskirts of Fleckney we made our way along the footpaths through the estates back down to where we had parked the cars near the allotments.

 Luckily the rain held off and other than having very muddy boots we completed the walk quite dry.

P.S. Willie and Sheila have gone on holiday again - Somerset we think.


Thursday 23 October 2014

17-10-2014 Bouskell Park to the Navigation Inn Kilby Bridge. App 6 miles

Can you believe it, Willie and Sheila have returned from Gretna Green and, yes, you've guessed it, they've tied the knot! One of our walkers brought us some photos of their celebrations and a copy of their marriage lines. We were all pretty amazed at this news - big smiles all round!


Willie and Sheila with the other bride and groom


Hopefully, Willie Walker and his bride Mrs Sheila Walker, nee Foster will be joining us for our next walk, apparently they were far too busy clearing away all the confetti to join us this week.

Back to this week's walk - it was a lovely dry day and after a bit of chatter at Cosby Village Hall car park we decided to start our walk from Bouskell Park in Blaby. 

At Bouskell Park we had a bit of a delayed start  as two walkers had not arrived from Cosby. We waited for ten minutes or so, tried to phone as well, but no luck.  At about ll o'clock we decided that there must have been some been some misunderstanding about our meeting point so we finally set off from the park, passing through the pine wood, out near the cemetery along Mill Lane towards Crow Mills.  Here we joined the canal tow path and continued to Kilby Bridge.   

As you can see from the map it's a pretty straight walk with not  many turns.

There was plenty of activity on the canal as far as the swans and ducks were concerned but no canal boats at all. We guessed the owners had decided to dock and bed down for the winter. 

One or two photographer's on the banks taking the odd snap here and there.

We soon got to the Navigation Inn at Kilby Bridge. It was here that we discovered what had happened to our friends who hadn't turned up at Bouskell Park - they'd gone straight to Kilby -  yes, a communication problem!  Realising what had happened they decided on their own walk from Kilby which they enjoyed but unfortunately they missed out on meeting up with our group for coffee and tea which was great, especially as it was served with chocolates. Yum, yum.

On the way back

Past the boat that doesn't seem to go anywhere

The tree that decided it was too far over to the left.

It was a great day out with plenty of excitement. What will next week bring? See you all then.