Monday 6 October 2014

3rd October 2014 Huncote to Thurlaston approx 5 miles round walk.

After last week's lovely walk at Rutland Water, this week's was going to be difficult to match. 

But then you think to yourself, these walks are more about a good social event, people who are like minded in getting out into the fresh air, having a chat, keeping active and having fun at the same time. So it didn't really matter where we went to -  it was always going to be a good.

            If you're not already one of our regular walkers and this sounds like a good idea to you, why not join us.  We are an informal group meeting at Cosby Village Hall car park every Friday at 10.30am (unless we are going a bit further afield and then it's a little earlier.)  You'd need to be reasonably fit as we walk whatever the weather, often over fields and stiles so suitable footwear is essential i.e. strong shoes or boots. 

        The walks tend to be on average around about 5 miles, which nobody notices because we are always talking! We have a break approximately half way for a comfort stop, coffee, tea and maybe cake.

Anyway, back to this week's walk. Parking at Huncote Leisure Centre, ten of us set off in the direction of Croft Hill.

Just out of Huncote and over the small bridge on Croft Hill Road we turned right into the fields and Autumn grabbed us immediately.

The Autumn colours,  the dramatic change from Summer, take your breath away. 

We headed across the fields towards Thurlaston Lane passing some inquisitive cows on the way.

On reaching Thurlaston Lane we turned right and over the Motorway Bridge then turned left down towards the ford.

Heading down towards the ford we turned right up to the fishing lakes at Normanton Park. We continued up through the park passing fishermen, ponies and alpacas and then up past the shooting range turning right before Earl Shilton Road.

Great way to spend a couple of hours



Passing the church at Thurlaston, we turned right at the T junction going towards the garden nursery where a great cuppa and cake awaited.


Break over, we set off on the return route towards Huncote. 

Opposite the nursery we joined the marked footpath over the fields towards the M69. We crossed over the motorway on a well used muddy cattle bridge. 

Keeping the sand and gravel pits on our left we headed back over the leisure centre playing fields to the car park.


Another good walk had by all and another one to look forward to next week.

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