Sunday 10 May 2015

8th May 2015 Bluebell walk at Burroughs Wood near Ratby app 4.5 miles.

The forecast was ' right up our street, ' sunny start to the morning, clouding over and by the time that it was due to rain we would be back home.

The route that was selected was a little flexible just in case the weather forecast wasn't quite right.

Starting from the car park on Burroughs Road 18 of us set off on a figure of eight path in the woods. We hoped to come across some exceptional views of bluebells and we were not disappointed

We soon came across lots in the hedgerows and as we walked into the top part of the woods the bluebells became carpets of blue.

The camera men in the group started to click away. There were comments of a disappointing lack of shafts of sunlight through the trees but, not to be deterred, they sought out the best views.

All this bluebell gazing was making us thirsty, so we set off in the direction of the local golf club where a good cup of tea and coffee were known to be served and, of course, cake for those wishing to indulge.


We had a special birthday boy with us - this walking lark certainly keeps you young!

After our break we set off back into the woods, cameras ready looking for more bluebells - and as you can see, they were everywhere - fabulous!

Back to the cars to change shoes ending another very good walking day - roll on the next one.

P.S. Just to prove that we didn't spend the entire walk looking at bluebells, below is a picture of golden dandelions, special in their own way.

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