Tuesday 8 March 2016

4th March 2016 walking from lay-by on the B4114 to Broughton Astley Approx 4.75 miles

Today's proposed walk was shortened  because of the weather outlook, sleet and snow were forecast for the afternoon. So, we parked in a lay-by off the the B4114 and started our walk from there rather than Fosse Meadows, our original plan.

The sun was out when we met up and after a bit of a chat we got on our way along a bridle path in the direction of Broughton Astley.

Even on a bridle path you get traffic.

Tractor safely out of the way, we continued. 

Trees, some more alive than others, displaying their winter beauty.

As we made our way up a small incline towards the farm at the top of the hill it was noted that it looked like spring was on its way. The display of daffodils just past the farm certainly seemed to suggest that.

On the way down the hill on our left we paused to watch three hares chasing and bounding over the fields - a rare sight for most of us as they tend to emerge from the undergrowth early morning or dusk.

Cold nights mean the cows and calves have to spend their days indoors.  Some of our walkers are glad to have the fields to themselves rather than share with the cows!

Everybody started waving as a wedding car went by.

That's a nice hat, keeps you warm in the winter.

On entering Broughton we took the first left walking up Six Acres, a lovely quiet little known lane, which led us into the centre of the village.  From here we turned right along the main road to the White Horse pub.

Cups of tea and coffee and the conversation flowed.

Well,  that was a good break, judging by all the smiles coming out of the pub.

 Overworked brolly?

 The time is ................

according to Broughton Astley church.

The river swollen by all the rain the previous evening.

 Another of those photos - no wonder he has to bend down, the weight of that pole coming out of his back, well, I ask you!

Luckily, the weather held until we finished our walk.  

Looking forward to next week for another great walk with great company.

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