Saturday 15 October 2016

14.10.2016 Walking from Bouskell Park Blaby to Tesco Wigston app 4 mls.

Well, the weather man said it was going to be a fine day, and so it was. 

We drove from Cosby to Blaby and parked in Bouskell Park. 

For info:
Bouskell Park is an attractive area of parkland set on the remains of a medieval village. It is an old Victorian parkland with a pond, ice house, grassland and woodland.

It didn't take long to get ready and after the usual chat we set off for Wigston.

The Long Walk out of Bouskell Park with the sun streaming down among the trees was breathtaking.

We walked past the very well maintained cemetery on the outskirts of Blaby.

The photographers amongst us always ready for a good shot.

The banter went on and on.

We've walked past this bent tree many times - it still raises a smile or two.

Yep, they're still talking.

Somebody spotted a selection of late blackberries.

Entering Wigston we noticed the plants had been taken out of the planter - indicative that Autumn is well and truly with us.

Waiting at the lights before crossing to Tesco and a cuppa.

Our destination.

After a good natter we left to return the same way as we came.

Art work?

For info: 
Wigston College. Over the last 2 years we have been working closely with the Local Authority to provide an improved vision for the Wigston Academies Trust Campus. This includes two new buildings to join together Site A (formerly Abington Academy) and Site B (formerly Bushloe High School).

On our way back through Wigston Park.

Over the Grand Union Canal bridge.

Back down the lanes heading towards Blaby.

The last 200 yds and Bouskell Park.

It was a short walk but very enjoyable. 

Looking forward to next week's surprise walk. Don't forget to bring your Bus Pass if you have one.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

7th October 2016 Walk from Peatling Magna via Peatling Parva and back. Approx 5.4 mls.

Walk – 7th October 2016

Holidays, including those of our usual leaders and deputy leader meant that it was just seven of us who met for this week’s walk. 

The weather was good and we decided to do a circular walk starting in Peatling Magna, going for coffee at The Shires, Peatling Parva and then back to Peating Magna.

Starting on part of the Leicester Round we left Peatling Magna until we reached the Mere Road Track. We walked as far as the Ashby Road before taking the field path to the back of Peatling Parva Church. A couple of minor deviations from the proposed path were taken by our leader to ensure we didn’t reach our coffee stop before opening time.

After coffee we made our way back to our parked cars by way of the back of Peatling Hall and, eventually The Leicester Round. 

This time we had some stiles to contend with (some of which were not in the best state of repair) fields of bullocks and one recently ploughed field.

However all seven successfully finished the walk, a distance of 5.4 miles.