Wednesday 12 October 2016

30th Sept 2016 Sutton Cheney Wharf via Shenton Station and Battle of Bosworth Memorial.

Walk – 30th September 2016.

Twelve of us met in Cosby car park and drove to Sutton Cheney Warf where we parked (£1 per day per car).

Across the bridge and along the canal.

There was a lot of traffic on the canal – the children are back at school and the prices have dropped and the weather is still pretty good.

We had Willie and Sheila with us, fresh from their South American adventure.

Via Shenton Station and the Battle of Bosworth Memorial and back to our cars at Sutton Cheney Warf.

At the Wharf

Along the canal

More barges

To the Woods

Willie and Sheila

Shenton Station and a bumpy ride for Wilie and Sheila?

Shenton Church

You know where

The King

The battle memorial.

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