Monday 16 January 2017

13th Jan 2017 circular walk Enderby, Narborough and back via a different route. Approx 5 miles.

An email had been sent to all walkers in case they hadn't seen the weather forecast - mainly to warn about the wind early in the morning. 

Meet at Cosby Village Hall 10.30am.

Weather is sunny which is great.

It is also windy - up to 40mph gusts, not so good.

It is also going to be very cold. Thermals may be needed as 3 degrees was mentioned.

So it could be a walk around Cosby and a coffee somewhere warm. A walk  is arranged but we are leaving the final judgement until tomorrow at the car park.

In other words, we are playing it by ear!

Fortunately the wind died down much earlier. So, we set off for the arranged walk from Enderby Leisure Centre.

Dressed for the occasion - woolly hats, gloves, scarves,  waterproofs you name it.

Having parked the cars at Enderby Leisure Centre all seventeen of us set off down the lane adjacent to the centre heading for Narborough.

The path crosses over the M69.

After walking through Narborough which we do on many occasions on wet weather walks we set off up Whistle Way, a disused railway track.

For info: Whistle Way, Narborough/Enderby - this hard surfaced path follows a disused mineral railway line from Narborough to Enderby.

It's quite overgrown at the start of the walk.

It soon widens out to give good views of Croft Hill.

For info: Croft Hill stands 128m high in a largely flat area of Leicestershire. 

The wind was still quite blustery but the high hedgerows helped to give quite a lot of shelter.

Walking down off the railway path to make our way to the Copt Oak for tea/coffee.

Sun still shining.

Nice to sit and rest the legs for a while.

After a short break we set off back to the railway path to continue our walk into Enderby via Seine Lane.

We soon got into our stride again.

A stray clump of cyclamen was spotted.

The end of Whistle Way was in sight.

Up on to Seine Lane and back into Enderby.

Down through the main street past the Dog and Gun.

Back at the Leisure Centre we all thought the walk a success considering the weather forecast earlier in the morning.

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