Saturday 30 December 2017

22.12.2017 walking in Bradgate Park. app 4mls.

Welcome to Bradgate Park. We all met at the Newtown Lindford car park, well wrapped up and most of us sporting hats with a Christmas theme i.e.  puddings, trees, chimneys, snow scenes and several Santa hats. There were sweaters and socks with a Christmas theme, even ear rings for the ladies whilst the some of the fellas simply sported Father Christmas hair styles.

Through the main gates.


We came across the Memorial Wood, recently opened to the public to enjoy - a place to rest and reflect perhaps.


Moving on down the track towards the other main gate of the park.

Chatting while waiting for the others to catch up before turning around for the walk back through the park.

A des res in beautiful parkland- maybe a little too quiet at times?

At the Visitor Centre we found the cafe was closed but luckily the kiosk selling hot drinks was open.

We'd brought home baked goodies to help the coffee/tea go down - what a treat!

Willie, Sheila and Naire managed to get in on the act.

Leaving the Visitor Centre and back on track again homeward bound.


Lady Jane Grey's ruined house.


Old John - a local landmark.

Gorgeous Bradgate Park -whatever the weather - we'll be back in 2018.

Happy Christmas everyone.  ðŸŽ…


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