Friday 20 April 2018

Thurlaston down Watery Lane to the ford app 3.5 miles.

Water, water everywhere we want to walk. This week was a shortened version of a popular walk.

Walking from Thurlaston church down to the ford on the way to the ford via Normanton fisheries.

Daffodils are still out but past their best.

Not a bad day but the sky was still full of grey clouds.

Turning down towards the fishing lakes.

Lambing season was in full baaaa !!!!.

Fun and games at a cattle crossing with a flooded path.

Walking on water.

Down by the ford which had subsided since we'd done a reccy a couple of days ago.

On the way back more interesting safe ways across the flood.

A cuddly threesome.

In need of a little TLC.

After the walk we called in at the Thurlaston Rural Centre for coffee tea and cake.  The Rural Centre was taken over by a family at the beginning of the year and what a change - a great selection of plants, lots of interesting bric a brac, clothes etc in the outlets and a superb cafe.  It's buzzing!

In the evening we met at The Holly Bush for our ten year dinner bash. Everybody thought it was such a good do we could make it an annual event.

A short speech from the founder member of our group. Well received and a much deserved thank you - we wouldn't be here without you.


Wednesday 11 April 2018

6th April 2018 Walking from Burbage Visitor Centre to Elmsthorpe and return the same way. app 4mls.

Meeting up at the Burbage Visitor Centre it was suggested that we had a group photo before we set off on our walk to Elmsthorpe.

Unfortunately, due to the amount of rain that has fallen over the last month or so it is quite impossible to walk across fields at the moment.

Finding hard surfaces means walking along single track roads where there's not so much traffic and hopefully you're less likely to come across a flood.

Of course there will be the occasional puddle.

Weather was predicted to be fine in the morning and damp in the afternoon.

The railway track, Leicester to Birmingham and all stops in between.

This tree has featured before on our blog. It's still as dead now as it was then.

Can be very wet in certain parts of the fields.

Closer to Elmsthorpe we passed by several horse riding establishments.

More water.

The guard dog on these premises seemed to do a lot of posing but I don't think getting too close would be wise.

At the turn around point, just 2 miles and a bit so it's two miles and a bit back.

 Past the guard dog (still posing).

 An interesting selfie.                                                   

Tree is still dead.

We stopped at the farm shop and some bought bits and bobs to take home.

Smiles all round on our way for a cuppa and only a mile or so to go.

This is a pile of manure, slightly smelly and a rich chocolate brown colour - definitely the stuff for keeping soil in tip top condition.

Trying for that elusive railway shot, but as usual not a train in sight.

Rubbish accumulating under a hedge and clogging up a flooded ditch. Not very good at all.

Not a pleasure lake - no, another flooded field.

Wonder where we will be walking to next week. Perhaps we could get a boat out and do some rowing - that would be different.

A cafe with cakes would have to be close by. Is it jam first or cream first?

Well, the weather held up and luckily it was dry all morning.