Wednesday 4 April 2018

30 March 2018 Great Central Way to Kings Lock and back to Blaby

Surprise, surprise!

Meeting at the usual place (Cosby Village Hall car park 10.30 am) the walking group, unknown to one unsuspecting couple, had organised a surprise. HAPPY GOLDEN WEDDING !!! Lots of good wishes, a golden rose, a cake, cards and a card signed by all. Yes, they were surprised, very happy and speechless for a change! Through the medium of the blog they would like to thank those responsible and all the walkers taking part, thank you very much. What a fantastic start to their day. 

After gathering our breath, we set off for Winchester Avenue on the Industrial Estate just off the by pass at Blaby.

We walked across the River Sence then over the Grand Union Canal bridge following the footpath towards Glen Parva which then joins Cooks Lane.

After 100 yards we turned left into Needham Avenue which leads to the dismantled railway path of the Great Central Railway to Leicester and beyond. 

Walking under the by pass bridge at the A563 Soar Valley part of the Ring Road.

Spring is on its way.

Descending from the Great Central Way towards Abbey Meadows through a small car park and over the Canal Bridge just before the canal and the river join to become one for their journey through Leicester. 

Over the canal bridge and turning left back down the tow path. At this point there is a packhorse bridge used in the 18th century and still used today as part of our footpath system for the pleasure of all. 

Time for a cuppa so we stopped at Kings Lock cafe for coffee, tea and cakes.

Lots to choose from.

Nice cakes.

Our Easter bunnies!

Refreshed, we set off down the rather muddy tow path on the way back to Blaby.

Off we go.

If only this drake would turn around perhaps a close up shot for entry in the Country File calendar may materialise.



A pile of supermarket trolleys at the side of the canal awaiting collection by the canal clearance boat. No doubt everyone has thoughts on this subject perhaps even on what to do with the perpetrators if they could be found.

 Nobody ever seems to see the artists at work.

Under the Soar Valley Way bridge again.

One of our walkers left the group here at Blue Bank Bridge as she lives in the Glen Parva area. 

As we went further down the path we came across more examples of muddy fields and pathways that were not pleasant for walking. 

However, the geese were very happy.

More dramatic reflections.

Nearing the end of our walk, everyone was invited for a cuppa and a slice of the celebration cake.

The cake was cut and the tea/coffee was supped - big smiles all round!

Thank you all. 😀

P.S. Willie, Sheila, Naire and Kiwi all enjoyed their holiday in Norfolk - a couple of photos from Blakeney.    

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