Saturday 19 May 2018

18th May 2018 Walk from Huncote around Croft hill and quarry.

We arrived at the Huncote Leisure Centre ready for our walk around Croft hill and quarry. 

Walking through Huncote and out towards Croft.

In case anybody is interested it is 168 steps up and 167 steps down. 

The easy lower path.

After half way you tend to stop chatting.

The view into the quarry is quite stunning.

Walking along the top towards our going down point.

A good view of the old packhorse bridge from the top.

Photographer goes first looking for basking adders spotted here a couple of days ago.

Everybody follows - no joy this time for the adder photo.

Entering the nature area of the walk.

Over the new bridge constructed by the quarry firm to make a circular  walk around the quarry.

The road into the quarry - could get a bit dusty at this point.

We arrive at the Heathcote Arms to find it has been invaded by gnomes.

Not a bad cuppa.

Off on the last leg of the walk to the top of Croft Hill.  Yes it is that steep!

Great views from here of Leicestershire.

On the way down through all the may blossom.

On the gentler part of the descent.

Another look inside the quarry.

Before the final descent it was noted that a pair of peregrine falcons were nesting on the side of the quarry again. 

Well it really is 168 steps down - that's official - we counted them!                                                                               

Lovely walk and  perfect weather to enjoy it. 

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Bluebell walk Burroughs Wood Ratby. Approx 4.5 miles.

Beautiful day for a walk in Burroughs Wood on the outskirts of Ratby. Keeping to the paths you can wander through the woods to see a fantastic carpet of bluebells throughout them. Pick the right day with the sun shining, the show is even better.

A little bit of leg work to start with and it's not long before we spot the farm which has the entrance to the woods that we usually enter by although there are plenty of others to chose from.

The floor of the woods not only has bluebells. Many species of woodland flowers make their home here.

Willie, Sheila, Naire and Kiwi  joined us on this walk.

New walkers were introduced to Willie and family and informed of their travels and adventures throughout the world.

Wonder who will be taking them on holiday next?

Back to the walk and the amazing vistas within the woods.

A little bit of sunshine changes the dynamics for photographers.

Out of the woods and heading towards the golf club where a cuppa awaits.

Parts of the woods were a little on the slow side drying out after all the rain that had fallen just recently.

Everyone found their own way around the muddy obstacles.

One way to keep your feet out of the mud was get a seat well away from it all.

Across the golf course, a bit wary although it is a public footpath.

This lady isn't.

On our way back we detour to take in more bluebells.

A great walk and the weather was dry, could have had a little more sunshine but hey ho the walk and the chat more than made up for the lack of sun. 😊