Thursday 10 May 2018

4th May 2018 Walking from Cosby to Broughton Astley. Approx 6 Miles.

Grey and white clouds but no rain clouds we hope.

Leaving Cosby via Shuttleworth Lane.

Turning into the fields heading towards Dunton Bassett.

Carpets of yellow - dandelions showing off against a green back drop.

The grass was quite long and some of us were pleased to see that the cows haven't been turned out into these fields yet.

There seems to be more oil seed rape fields this year and probably more misery for those who don't get on with pollen.

Out for a morning ride.

Something interesting?

Never mind Health and Safety.

Just checking.

The view we were chasing was a sea of yellow - fabulous!

Everyone joined up again, we set off for Cottage Lane then on to Broughton Astley.

A passing tractor rolling the meadow.

Approachng the old railway tunnel which is quite overgrown in parts nowadays.

Time for a group photo.

Cottage Lane and not far to Broughton Astley.

A muddy track, the result of all the rain that we've had over the past months.

A rather untidy farm yard.

Funny looking dog. Perhaps a HOG?

Broughton Astley ahead.

Over the stile and on to the White Horse for a cuppa.

 On our way back.

Through some fields with horses.

What happened to the fence?

Single file in freshly planted fields.  If only the farmer would leave a clearly defined path it would be better for everyone.

Back into oil seed rape fields.

Close to Cosby, only two or three stiles to go.

Another good walk, no rain and plenty of chat - see you all next week for the BLUEBELL WALK.

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