Sunday 2 June 2019

24/5/19 walking from Cosby to Broughton Astley via Shuttleworth Lane and Cottage Lane approx 5.5 mls.

Walking out of Cosby through an area known locally as Pretty Corner.

Over the zebra crossing on our way via Broughton Road.

Broughton Road - after we'd chased the ducks back into the brook.

Shuttleworth Lane alongside the Golf Club. At this point we turned right into the fields. Usually the farmer has stock in here but, luckily, no sign of them today.

 Our path took us under the old disused Midland Railway bridge.

Heading towards Cottage Lane.

Cottage Lane leads from the A426 to Broughton  Astley.  There's not usually much traffic along this lane which makes it good for walking.

Some farms in need a bit of TLC.

As we neared Broughton Astley we had to keep moving over to the grass verge to avoid the unusually high amount of traffic.

The White Horse pub and a great day for sitting outside having a chat.

Leaving the White Horse we set off to find the public footpath back to Cosby.

After crossing the by- pass we emerged into buttercup fields.


A narrow path-way to negotiate.

We came across a problem in the next field - oil seed rape. Some of us are allergic to the pollen and it's not a very pleasant experience.

It was quite high. 

To avoid another oil seed rape field some of us took a little diversion by heading for the nearest road and walking into Cosby that way. 

The others continued by way of the fields and we all met up on the outskirts of Cosby.

Back to Cosby.

See you all next week.

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