Friday 16 August 2019

9.8/19 walking from Broughton Astley to Cosby circular via top and bottom paths. app 5 miles.

Yet again the weather forecast was not good so we kept our walk quite local walking from Broughton Astley to Cosby via the fields. This would also give us the opportunity to try out the new cafe in Cosby, The Cook in the Nook.

On our way to the one of the most difficult stiles on route, well, certainly the most unusual.

Everybody catches up on the news of the week.

Crab apple tree laden with fruit.

A pause as everybody catches up.

The sun came out and although it was a bit breezy it was very pleasant for walking.

It's not usual to have to shout "car approaching"  in the middle of a field!

Back on the road in Cosby.

Some of us who were towards to back of our group were shocked by the loud bang of a car as it shed part of its underside.  To our surprise the car didn't stop so we assumed the damage wasn't too great. This is the debris which shot off directly in front of us.

At the Cook in the Nook we were made most welcome.

After our  break we gathered together for the walk back.

The route back was a little higher than the route in, hence we felt the wind a bit more.

Even more scenic up in the higher parts of our countryside. Another mile and we would be back at our starting point.
Good walk and it stayed dry all the way round.

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