Sunday 22 December 2019

6/12/2019 Cosby,Littlethorpe,Whetstone and Narborough 6.4 mls round walk.

We have had torrential rain yet again. The fields are waterlogged and definitely not good for walking so the plan is to keep to hardstanding paths, roads or bridle ways. 

Today we set off from Cosby car park, out of Cosby via Narborough Road heading towards Littethorpe. In Littlethorpe we turned right into Warwick Road and headed down towards Whetstone.
After walking under the M1, still on Warwick Road, we approached the old Great Central Railway. The bridge was demolished some time ago but there is a good path from this point towards the B582 via Spinney Halt in Whetstone.

Walking up from the road to the Great Central Railway path.

Down the road called Spinney Halt.

Out of the housing estate and back onto the Great Central Railway path heading for the B582.

Down the steps on to the B582. Turning left onto Enderby Road we headed up past the local re-cycling refuse area. Often smells in the summer, today not a sniff.

Normally we would have walked across this field and over the pack -horse bridge. Considering that the day before you could not see the grass, just an enormous lake, we decided to go the long way around to avoid the mud.

In Enderby we turned left into Lime Tree road then right into Clarence Road which led us to the B4114, the old roman road, the A46. Here we turned left heading for Narborough.

Under the M1 again, very noisy,  then into the centre of Narborough where we made our way to the Narborough Arms for drinks.

High seats and short legs - not terribly comfy for some.

But plenty to smile about!

Refreshed we set off for Littlethorpe.

Then back into Cosby re-joining the way we came.

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