Monday 24 May 2021

Cosby Friday Walk 22/5/2021 Cosby to Broughton Astley . App 5 mls

It's been one long year and ten weeks since we all got together for a Friday walk.  The Covid pandemic has affected our lives in ways we wouldn't have thought possible.  Thankfully, we all seem to have come through it well and still smiling.

For our first walk back together we couldn't have had more challenging weather - very wet and very windy. 24 very happy walkers turned up and one walker on baby sitting duties came to wave us off.

Big smiles all round.

We set off out of Cosby via Broughton Road to the Golf Club which is where we joined the fields.

This was the first of several stiles, some more challenging than 

The fields, although wet and soggy, were quite passible.

We stopped in a buttercup meadow for a photo opportunity.

Then the ponies in the field decided they would join us for a while, not everybody was enthusiastic.

Arriving at our destination, The White Horse, Broughton Astley we had to follow Covid procedures for a group of people having coffee etc indoors at a pub/restaurant i.e. no more than six at a table with table service only.  After a long, long wait for our orders to be taken our just-warm drinks arrived. Hopefully, just teething problems getting back into the swing of things after lockdown.

Undaunted, we started on the return leg back to Cosby. Two of our walkers who have an allotment, invited us to call in and see something interesting on their plot.

We were all amazed to find fairy cakes had appeared overnight in their shed and, guess what, there was more than enough for everyone.  

We will come again.

Continuing along the path to Cosby, there was a field where several cows were sheltering. The weather was obviously too bad for them to be bothered about a group of walkers plodding through their field.

Although they did leave several calling cards.

Bit of a quagmire in parts, tested the resolve of several walkers.

Strong winds, fortunately behind us on the way back.

Another awkward stile.

Just a couple of fields to go.  At a particularly muddy patch, one of our walkers slid and landed in the mud at an awkward angle.  Fortunately, another of our walkers is a qualified first aid instructor and he took appropriate action, thank you, it was much appreciated.  After a trip to A&E we were very sorry to hear later that our walker had broken her wrist, we do hope you feel much better soon.  While we all take great care when we're out and about, accidents and slips so very easily happen.

Back in Cosby we came across these ducks, only about two months old we think. Amazing how quickly they grow.

 Apart from the weather, the mud, the long wait for coffee and of course most important of all, the accident, we had a great walk, wonderful to see so many friends again -  looking forward to many more of the same.

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