Sunday 12 June 2022

10..06.22 Walking from Enderby Leisure Centre, circular walk around Narborough and Enderby. app 5 mls.

Enderby Leisure Centre is where we met for a 5 mile walk down through Narborough and back up Whistle Way to Enderby and then back through the village to the car park again.

Leaving the Leisure Centre down a leafy lane towards Narborough village.

Over the main road with the motorway bridge visible on our left we entered the village.

On the way out we passed this lovely old building, a gifts and nick nacks shop, adorned with beautiful roses.

On the outskirts of the village we turned off the main road on to Whistle Way, a disused railway line.

Bit of a climb to start with.

But then we were on to the old quarry railway, straight and flat.

Halfway round we made our way to our coffee and tea stop. 

A surprise for all. Two of our group had invited us to view their garden, in particular a wild flower garden on the frontage area.

Absolutely gorgeous!

Then round to the rear garden where we were royally treated to drinks and biscuits.

Big thanks to our hosts.

Leaving the lilies and wild flower garden behind, we set off back to the Leisure Centre.

Finishing the rest of Whistle Way.

A small group photo.

The climb up off Whistle Way where one of us had a 'funny turn' but soon recovered, then back into Enderby to the Leisure Centre.

Great walk looking forward to next week.

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