Thursday 16 February 2023

10th February 2023 A long awaited return trip to Loddington and Launde Abbey

We have photos galore of our wonderful walk at Loddington and Launde Abbey. So more photos and less text.

Arrival at the car park of the Allerton Project by the Woodland Trust who had given us permission to use their car park. Thank you to them.

 The walk across the fields to St Michael's and all Angels Church.                                      

The entrance to the carpets of snowdrops in the church grounds. 

There are many different varieties to be spotted.

Fabulous atmospheric old church - without electricity so the services are candle lit and the organ is pumped manually.

Getting close for the best picture.

Leaving the village on our walk to Launde Abbey.  Some of us chose not to walk but meet us for lunch later.

Someone's signature piece.

Waiting for everybody to catch up.

A groupie as we do.

There are lots of big ups and downs.

A great feeling when you get to the top.

Not very busy along these lanes out in the country.

Launde Abbey just over there.

Ready for our lunch.

We needed re-fuelling after that walk!

Soup was very tasty.

And the cakes were delicious.

When it comes to cake - big is beautiful!

The 'after' picture.

Great lunch. So off for the last part of our walk back to Loddington and the cars.

Just that 'little' hill to climb on the way back.  We like a challenge.

Phew!  A few moments to catch our breath.

A very enjoyable walk out in the beautiful country side. Must try it in the summer.

See you all next week.

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