Monday, 10 March 2025

28/2/2025 Blaby to Jenno's, Everards Meadows via Great Central Way

The first canal shot of the day.

Weather was okay no rain. Even found a totem pole to ward off rain drops.

The canal path is an ideal place for dog walking.

Our intrepid walkers wrapped up for the day.

Even dogs get wrapped up nowadays.

At Jenno's Everards Meadows and the coffee is just as good as last weeks Jenno's at Carlton Park.


The anticipation!


A friendly wagtail looking for tasty leftovers.


Waiting for its owner to finish her coffee and chat and looking very snug.  It's a dog's life!

Another pampered pet.

All good things come to an end so a gathering of the group to walk back to Blaby.

It takes a while to say goodbye.

    On the way back we lined up for a group photo.

And another photo from the canal side.

And a wave.

Still a bit chilly but a lovely day.

Back along the Central Railway walk.

Back to where we started from at Blaby.

I'm sure I left the car here somewhere?

See you all next week.

Saturday, 8 March 2025

21/2/2025 walking from Narborough to Jenno's, Carlton Park.

It was a cold grey morning, so we opted for a slightly shorter walk around Enderby ending up at Jenno's cafe at Carlton Park for drinks.

Working out the art of opening and shutting the gate at the Bowls Club in Narborough.

Won't be long before the season starts.

Across the busy B4114.

Spring flowers.

Men at work, don't fancy their job.

Passing by the pub at Narborough.

Looks like a serious subject?

Arriving at Jenno's and it was packed. It's a huge place but there weren't many free tables available.

But enough for us.

Coffee went down well but time to go.

Eh up it's that bloke again - trying to round up everyone to get going on the walk back to the Bowls Club.

And, we're off.  See you all next week.