Thursday 1 August 2013

Friday 19th July Cosby to Broughton Astley Approx 4.5 miles

It's a first!  Never before have we had to put off a walk because of the HEAT - thirty degrees and according to the weather forecast it was to get even hotter!
After all the preparations for the walk in the Cotswolds  it was decided to change to a shorter, more local walk in keeping with the conditions. 
We must at this point thank our friends in Tewkesbury for suggesting the walk and arranging the pre walk. We will, of course, be doing this walk at a later stage.

The walk this week was well attended at such short notice - fourteen walkers in all. One of our regular walkers popped by to wish us bon walk - he was giving his pride and joy a road test.
Among our walkers  was a lady from New Zealand who follows the Blog from afar and is also the sister of one of our regulars.

In places, the hedgerows had  taken over - not so good for sun worshipers.

Motorbike what motor bike?
 We got to the Bull's Head at Broughton Astley just as they were opening. We selected some very nice shaded seats outside and cold drinks were the order of the day. Our biker friend joined us having done a quick change from motor cycling garb into something more appropriate for the weather. After a good natter and drink we all set off on the return leg of the walk to Cosby.


I love Corn on the Cob
A traffic jam at a rather high stile got everybody smiling considering the various methods of how to attack it.

Back in Cosby, we noticed the  fish and chip shop was closed for the holidays.

Every body enjoyed the walk and we're all hoping for the good weather to continue until next week at least.

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