Saturday 3 August 2013

Friday 26th July 2013. Wistow to Kilby Bridge approx 6.25 miles

It was a fine sunny day with enough high cloud to give us some shade from time to time.
Several of the group are away on holiday and there were 9 of us who set out on the walk. One of our regular walkers was accompanied by his wife for her first walk with us.

We parked at Wistow and walked away from the canal past Kilby Lodge, steadily climbing, enjoying fine views over Leicestershire spotting Bradgate Park in the distance.

We turned towards Kilby going over stiles and going through fields of sheep. Entering Kilby through the farm yard we admired the collection of old stone work, the boat in the barn and the seat with two horses heads in the garden.

We walked along Kilby's Main Street, turning right at the end near the church. Here the path was quite overgrown and we were careful to avoid the nettles which seem to have grown well with the weather this summer.

Across fields we admired the recently shorn Llamas (or were they Alpacas?), eventually getting to Welford Road. This was the worst part of the walk. There were no proper paths along the road and though the verges were trimmed, the ground is far from level. There was not a lot of traffic, so not too bad and we were soon at the Navigation at Kilby Bridge where we stopped for refreshments .We sat in the shade in the garden by the canal to enjoy our drinks.
 Llamas ??
 Alpacas ??

After a rest we began our journey back, this time along the canal tow path. After remarking that we were surprised that, as we were now in the summer holiday period, we hadn't seen any canal boats moving along the canal - and then three came along all at once!


It was very pleasant walking along the canal with the overhanging trees providing some shade. After the lock keepers cottage we turned off and walked back to our cars.

Don't forget - next week - half past ten Friday morning. 

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