Wednesday 30 April 2014

Friday 25th April Walking from Fosse Meadows Car Park via Frolesworth and Claybrooke Magna calling at the Pig in Muck. Approx 5 miles

Parking at Fosse Meadows Car Park and walking via Frolesworth and Claybrooke Magna.

It was a wet start, but all seventeen walkers were well prepared and set off on what promised to be a damp walk.

You can tell from the pictures everybody was having a great time - lots of hoodies and somebody with a brolly.

Well, they arrived at the Pig in Muck more than ready for tea and coffee.

On the way back, one walker found time to pose on someone's pride and joy.

The horses looked a bit fed up with the wet weather whilst the blossom just looks great!

Well, it was a damp walk but it can only get better for next week. Hopefully, we will be out and about in the local bluebell woods. 

The last picture 'off into the wetset'.

Saturday 19 April 2014

Friday 18th April (Good Friday) 2014. Blaby to Aylestone Country Park Approx 5 miles.

Good Friday welcomed the sun, although it was a little on the chilly side caused by a bit of a breeze.

Must mention that before we started, a tin containing nests of small chocolate eggs sitting on chocolate nests, was handed around. What a great start to the walk and what a great idea - thank you to the chef for creating such a yummy start.

Fourteen walkers went by car to Blaby Industrial Estate just off the by-pass where we parked and headed off towards Aylestone Country Park.

It didn't take long to get into a good chatting stride, about three stories per mile.


It was soon time for a rest according to some who had reached a ring of mystical stones.

Consensus of opinion was, not placed by Druids, but by Leicester County Council.

We continued our walk along part of the Great Central Railway route - no railways lines any more but a tarmac path for walkers and cyclists. 

A cow drying off after a paddle in the canal

Part of the walk involves walking under the Leicester ring road which is well lit.

About 3 miles from Leicester we turned left for the Packhorse Bridge over the canal and headed towards the cafe at King's Lock which opened for the season today, Good Friday.

It turned out to be very busy at King's Lock. Apart from our walking party there was a rumour going about that there were about another forty walkers on the way from the Braunstone area.

In the garden at the back of the cafe we shuffled all the seats around to suit, as you do, and settled down to drinks and cakes just before the invasion arrived.

There were a lot of walkers out today and they all seemed to know each other - hey that's what's-his-name from ASDA and there's what's-she-called that I worked with from NEXT - that sort of comment - all very friendly.

After a great cup of coffee and tea and cakes for some of us, we set off back along the canal towpath.

It's amazing what you see as you walk along.


This dog was having fun chasing and catching the ball in the canal.  

We passed under the ring road again, this time the canal bridge, and it was then only a short walk back to Blaby.

Back at the cars, someone got out a box of Easter eggs and passed them around - thank you - much appreciated. These walks just get better every week!

Well, Willie and Sheila missed out this week - apparently, they've gone on holiday -  again.!!!!

Sunday 13 April 2014

Friday 11th April 2014 Walk from Bouskell Park, Blaby to the Navigation Inn at Kilby Bridge Approx 6.6 Miles

We set off on a fine morning from Cosby Village Hall car park at 10.30am as we do every Friday morning, taking the short drive to Bouskell Park, Blaby.

Fifteen walkers were soon striding towards the canal at Wigston appreciating some wonderful colours from trees full of blossom along the way.

As we made our way along the canal path we came across a few locals; swans, geese and cows.

and an Easter tree!


A few workers were having a break, the handy tools barrow making a nice chair.

We found an advertisement for healthy living.


Two of our keener photographers spotted something worth getting the bigger lens out for.

We continued on towards the Navigation Inn where a cuppa was going to hit the right place. It might be worth going back for the pauper's supper; it certainly looked appealing and the price is right. 
Tuesday night is curry night with old speckled hen - could be tough?

Willie and Sheila enjoyed a cool drink - we heard on the grapevine that they may be off to Spain soon.

Well, it was very pleasant in the sunshine chatting away but it was soon time to set off on our way back.

It was a great walk, lovely weather and good company - what more could you want? 

Looking forward to next week - it's Good Friday.