Wednesday 30 April 2014

Friday 25th April Walking from Fosse Meadows Car Park via Frolesworth and Claybrooke Magna calling at the Pig in Muck. Approx 5 miles

Parking at Fosse Meadows Car Park and walking via Frolesworth and Claybrooke Magna.

It was a wet start, but all seventeen walkers were well prepared and set off on what promised to be a damp walk.

You can tell from the pictures everybody was having a great time - lots of hoodies and somebody with a brolly.

Well, they arrived at the Pig in Muck more than ready for tea and coffee.

On the way back, one walker found time to pose on someone's pride and joy.

The horses looked a bit fed up with the wet weather whilst the blossom just looks great!

Well, it was a damp walk but it can only get better for next week. Hopefully, we will be out and about in the local bluebell woods. 

The last picture 'off into the wetset'.

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