Wednesday 30 July 2014

Away day, walking in the Derbyshire Dales. Friday 11th July 2014 Approx six miles.

As arranged, everybody met (well nearly everybody) at the Village Hall car park at nine am. Sixteen plus two walkers to follow - what a great turnout.
It was a dry morning with the promise of some sunshine at about eleven am.
We sorted ourselves into cars, armed with maps, tom toms and packed lunches calling in on our remaining two walkers on the way out of Cosby.
Driving up to Millers Dale should, at a nice steady pace, take just under 2 hours.

Millers Dale Railway Station 
After the journey up to Miller’s Dale, we ‘got booted up’ and with 
lunch bags slung over our
shoulders set off at approx 11am.

Boot camp
That is confusing

Our walking route directions with photos along the way were as follows:

Under the bridge again
Leave the car park via the main entrance and turn right down the road and under the bridge. At the junction with the B6049 turn left to walk through the village passing under the bridge again. In about 500 metres bear off right to follow the pretty minor road to “Litton Mill Only”.  Pass the Anglers Rest and continue along the single-track road for about a mile.
Under the bridge out of the car park

The Anglers Rest
Fish spotting
Happy walkers

From this bridge and for quite a long way down the river path you could spot trout quite easily.

Just before the “No public parking at Litton Mill” sign and by a lay-by, turn left signed “Tideswell Dale”.  Walk up the interesting gently sloping dale for about a mile. You will go through one gate and at the second bridge you can turn right or go straight on as the two branches of the brook-side path meet up ahead.

The weather is spot on

Wild geraniums

They grow their wildlife big up here

Plenty of information along the route

Tree carving at the front and fungi at the back.

Walk through the car park and picnic area. Near the road entrance on the left keep straight on along a tree-lined path. At the end of the path go through a small gate. Follow the road and wall on left. When you reach a fence ahead go through a small gate on the left to cross the road. Walk up into Tideswell.

Leaving the car park
Route up to Tideswell

Funny place to park

Entering the village of Tideswell

In just over a ¼ of a mile and at the start of the village, pass Richard Lane on the left. Turn up steps by the bus shelter. At the road turn right. Follow the narrow road parallel to the main road (Thorncliffe Terrace). At “The Horse and Jockey” I suggest this looks like a good place for lunch - seats available outside the pub (public and pub seats) toilets obviously in pub and public toilets 100 yds up the street. We would have walked about 3 miles at this point and I estimate the time to be around 1 o’clock. 

 Climbing to Thorncliffe Terrace
Ready for the walk down to The Horse and Jockey

Nearly there .
The Horse and Jockey

A welcome break for lunch
After lunch, just before “The Horse and Jockey” there is Primrose Lane. Go up here - it is steep and narrow.
Cross the road diagonally right to go through a stile by a farm gate.
Walk over three fields crossing three stiles and keeping a wall close on the right.
Cross a track diagonally to go over the stile. Keep straight on still with the wall on the right. Cross four fields and stiles.

Up the steep path
Be careful on the stiles around here

Looking back at Tideswell
These stiles don't get any easier 
In the fifth field bear left over a stile then continue ahead crossing three more fields and stiles (the third field is almost a track). Keep straight down the middle of the field aiming for a wall corner and passing a dew pond on the left. Cross the wall stile ahead and keep straight on up the field with the wall on the left. Cross a stile in the field corner.
Not bad this one
And you have to queue
Turn right along the track. At the cross roads -  long route straight on, short route turn left. ????

Wobbly stone

Cows up ahead

Be quiet and they won't know we are here.

There is more to walking in the dales, than spectacular scenery - some of it is a bit of a challenge!
A decision has to be made now short route or long route.?
By democratic vote the decision was to take the short route.

Follow the descending minor road for just over ½ mile. At the bottom of the hill, where the paths cross the road turn left signed Millers Dale.
Climb the steep hillside aiming for, and then following, an old wall, hawthorns and a fence on the left. Go through a gate or stile. Follow a walled path gradually uphill. When you meet a wall ahead turn right to continue uphill on a grass path, in about 175 mtrs cross a stile by a gate and immediately turn left over another stile. Follow the wall on the left. Shortly you will enter a walled track. 
Off We Go

Nearly there !!!!!!!!!

We all had a rest and took some photos

At the end of this track keep on across the field and through a kissing gate. Carry on across the middle of the field aiming for the farm and farm gate. Turn left by the farm gate to cross the stile. Follow the short winding path  round a right hand bend to the church drive. Notice the Helm Tower. Turn right to follow the church road to the T junction of the roads in Wormhill.
Group Photo at the entrance to Worm Hill

Turn left along the road and in about 400 mtrs at the decontrolled sign leave the road to walk down a track on the right. Pass a cottage on the left then go through a gate to walk down the woodland path and through another gate. As you leave the wood keep straight on along the higher grass path.

Walking through Worm Hill
Something interesting.

Somebody thought it was funny.

Soon you will bend round to the left before gradually descending the valley side. The lower limestone rocky slopes can be quite slippy after heavy rain. In the valley bottom go through a small gate and turn left to follow the river Wye on your right. 

Country side pictures

The river Wye

Walking along the banks

Just before the viaduct turn sharp left up the steep stone steps to the Monsal Trail. At this point you should continue along the riverside path to the road then turn left back up to the car park. Turn left along the trail passing the impressive lime kilns. In about ½ mile you will be back at the car park.

Making our way back up on to the Monsal Trail
Nearly there now

No train coming

Boots off

Map of the walk

We all agreed dinner was very good value and quality.

Think we might come back next year.
If anybody wants to use the directions of the walk please do - it is a fantastic walk

Just received some more pictures from one of the walkers.

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