Thursday 10 July 2014

Friday 4th July Circular walk from Dutton Bassett via Leire and back to Dutton Bassett Approx 5 miles.

We have been waiting for the weather to become drier for this walk as in parts the path is overgrown and could be very slippy when wet.

After parking in Dunton Bassett we set off for our walk. All nine walkers had been forewarned about nettles, thistles and overgrown thorny hedges.

Out of the village of Dunton and on to the first bridle path 

and through a field of maize with a view of the Gilmorton windmills.

then straight into the thick of it!

After the next little bridge, we were in luck as the farmer had just been cutting the field.

It didn't last for long - round the top of the next field the going got interesting again. We needed somebody to push things back at the front and a willing walker put her hands up.

That's the way to do it!

It all got a lot easier after that stretch. We came out of the fields close to Dunton Mill and then crossed into some more fields heading for Leire.

In the next field we came across some friendly ponies.

Heading into Leire for a well earned break.

Waiting for the coffee.

After our break we set off for Stemborough Mill and then joined a different path back to Dunton Bassett.


Only another mile and we'll be back in Dunton.

A new walker joined us this week

A muddy gate-way out of the field was negotiated in various ways.

After this, it was straight up the lane and back into Dunton. 

It was a lovely walk and we're all looking forward to the next one in Derbyshire.

P.S. Willie and Sheila are still on holiday.

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