Wednesday 3 September 2014

29th August 2014 Walking from Cosby to Croft and back. 5.8 mls.

It was a bit overcast and the forecast was for rain arriving at mid day, so we opted for a walk out of the village, rather than travel and get caught in a sudden downpour. Experience has taught us it can be soggy all round, clothes, boots and the fields.
Visitors from the North

So off we went, out of the car park heading up to the Co-op, across the zebra crossing and into the allotments, then up through where the other half live and out into the fields.

Cosby allotments

As soon as we reached the fields it was quite noticeable that the farmers had been busy getting in the harvest which usually means that it would not be long before ploughing starts making a few mini mountains for us to contend with. Not to worry, later on we found the fields had been ploughed and already raked and broken down - no mini mountains to climb this time!

As we walked along, Willie and Sheila popped around a corner to take a peak at the duck pond.

One of our photographers was on wild flower duty.

Two or three stiles later we came to the normally very busy main road which has to be crossed with care.

Once over the road we entered a field of maize 10 foot tall which is quite scary when you're 5 foot standing on your tippy toes.

After crossing a bridge we reached the outskirts of Croft village. 

Somebody pointed out the old butchers shop attached to one of the farms and the abattoir immediately behind the old shop. It's not used any more but a little nostalgia was quite nice.

We went into the yard at the back of the Heathcote Arms for  drinks and biscuits.

Willie and Sheila got quite friendly with the folk from up north.

After refreshments it was back the way we came with a quick stop at the gym.

At the crossing in Cosby somebody remarked that those folk from up north must be pretty fit because this 6 mile walk didn't phase them one little bit. It was really nice for them to tag along -  we all    enjoyed their company.

Map of walk

Looking forward to next week.

PS Keep checking the blog, we are planning an away day soon. Details will appear as soon as we have finalised it.

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