Sunday 15 March 2015

06-03-2015 Attfield's farm shop walk. Approx 4.0 miles

It wasn't a brilliant day for walking in the fields so we went for a bit of a compromise. We chose to walk near to Cosby and with the permission of Mr Paul Attfield we parked our cars on his car park at the Farm Shop on Countesthorpe Road. This avoided the walk down the busy Countesthorpe to Cosby road.  Springwell Lane was much more easily reached from this position.

Boots on and well wrapped up we left the farm shop and soon turned right into Springwell Lane. Everyone commented on the amount of  houses that are going to be built in the area. At the main A426 road we turned right and then left to Whetstone Gorse Lane.

 Here we are setting off down Whetstone Gorse Lane towards the farm (Whetstone Gorse) where Sandra makes her homemade jam. She's quite famous for her jams and preserves which are sold locally at farmers markets and garden centres. It's a PYO farm with strawberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries etc available from early summer through to autumn.

We turned left towards the bungalow and Hill Lane over open countryside then a couple of right turns onto the busy Willoughby Road. After about 1/2 mile we took another right turn towards Whetstone Gorse east farm passing the fishing lakes on our way. 

It's necessary to walk through the farm yard so we'd already phoned earlier in the morning to get permission to do so.

There's a pet hotel at this farm as well as stabling. 

Leaving the farm yard we were back on Whetstone Gorse Lane retracing our steps to Attfield's Farm Shop.

As one or two walkers were showing hunger pains it wasn't long before we were back in Cosby for refreshments at Granny Smith's cafe.

It was a good stretch of the legs - not long before next week's walk. 

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