Wednesday 9 September 2015

4.9.15 Round trip Cosby via Croft app 6.4 miles.

It was nice bright day with a bit of a chill.  As we got ready the main topic of conversation was the three day Victory Show at Foxland's Farm, Cosby- it started today with a lot of school children visiting.  On Saturday and Sunday there were to be battle re-enactments and vintage aircraft displays.  Well worth a visit.

Info:  The School Day attracts hundreds of local school children and their teachers for an educational visit. Each group is allocated a chaperone who will escort them safely around the site. Children are encouraged to dress in period costume and talk to Veterans and the many Re-enactors to help them experience a little glimpse of what life was like in the 1940’s.

We set off out of the village via the allotments and out on to the fields heading for Croft.

 A taste of what's to come in future weeks - ploughed fields, hard on the ankles if not prepared for them.

We had to cross the old A46, a very busy road, the cars and lorries do literally whizz past you as you approach the road.

After taking care to cross the road safely we headed into a field of maize which, although not yet ready for harvest, dwarfed us.

Climbing out of the maize fields we crossed the playing fields at Croft and headed through the village past the old butchers towards the Heathcote Arms.

At the Heathcote when tea and coffee were served there were a lot of jokes and demonstrations on the art of dunking biscuits. 

At the end of our break one of our jovial walkers showed us how he clears away at home with a tray and a smile.

We set off back to Cosby pretty much the way we came.

The clouds started to gather, can't imagine why as the weatherman said the sun should be shining by the afternoon. Wrong again!

We walked over this field two hours ago - it wasn't ploughed then, the farmer had been busy.

After a bit of a laugh about our disappearing path we continued on our way back.

Yet another great walk, looking forward to next week, see you all then.

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