Sunday 28 February 2016

26th Feb 2016 walking from Elmesthorpe to Burbage Woods Visitor Centre. Approx 4mls.

It was a nice dry day with only few clouds in the sky to shade the winter sun. We started our walk at the Wentworth Arms in Elmesthorpe (parking in the pub car park after asking permission to do so the day before.)

All booted  and suitably dressed we set off on our walk towards Burbage Common.

After all the weeks of rain we thought it best not to walk on the common itself but keep to the lanes.

The sun came out as we arrived at the Visitor Centre for tea and cakes.

What a selection of cakes on offer!

Refreshments over, we gathered outside for a group photo - getting everyone to smile at the same time can be tricky.

A picture was taken of one of our photographers - pity about the 'antlers'.

Walking back over the railway bridge we were just in time to catch a freight train going by.

Got a shadow in the way this time.

Further down the lane we came across a rider with her horse and stopped to have a chat.

An inquisitive sheep popped up on to an embankment to say hello.

Back at the car park we said our goodbyes and wished bon voyage to those of us who will be away on holiday for the next few weeks - some to Norway and another to Mauritius, lucky them - sure Willie and Sheila would have loved to go too but then they're already on holiday!

P.S. Willie and Sheila have sent some photos.  

It's definitely looking a bit windy where they are (Hoi An).

Sailing practice - just in case.

Riding practice on a water buffalo - just in case the boat sinks.

Thanks Willie and Sheila - great to see what you've been up to.

Sunday 21 February 2016

19th February 2016 Walking from Fosse Meadows to the Pig in Muck Claybrooke app 5mls.

A very helpful e-mail was sent to our walkers the day before the actual walk:

As you probably know, some of us won't be walking tomorrow. However we have a suggested  walk. (see attached map, shorter route is the return journey).

About 4.5 miles so we should finish comfortably before 2:00pm.

For those from Broughton it may be more convenient for you to meet us in the Main Car Park at Fosse Meadows (about 10:45am).

For the rest of us we will leave the Village Hall car park as usual.  If you are meeting us at Fosse Meadows could you let me know so I don't miss you.

If you are bringing holidaying grandchildren we do walk along the High Cross Claybrooke road which has some traffic (8 cars, a bus, two motorbikes and a horse today).  Also the Roman Road was muddy (no rain forecast so it should be drier tomorrow).
Ten of us met in the car park in Cosby and drove to Fosse Meadows where we met up with five other walkers.

Everybody booted up and with warm clothes, including the local dog.

We set off along the old Fosse Way towards High Cross, initially on tarmacked surface, however soon moving on to an unfinished and in places, muddy path.  We had been warned that rain was expected at about 2:00pm.

In amongst the trees.

At Highcross crossroads the Fosse way is joined by a lane with a buzz about it's name.

The road down to Claybrooke has good grass margins for refuge from passing motorists.  Unfortunately, one of our walker's took a tumble but glad to say she's ok.

The local Caravan Club C.L. (certified location)

Getting ready for the landscape photos.

The beautiful Leicestershire countryside in late Winter.

Heading for the Pig in Muck at Claybrooke Magna.

Queuing for for tea and coffee.

 Spotted a varmit on the fence.

What a happy bunch of people!

The carvery is very reasonably priced and tasty.

Returning to Fosse Meadows we took the field path which greatly shortened the distance we had to walk along the road.  Though there was some mud on the field path it was less muddy than the Fosse Way.

Oh, really?

The sky was clouding over and we kept a good pace until we got back to the Fosse Way at which point the men in the party who were follicly challenged noticed one or two spots of rain.  However, serious rain held off and we got back to the car park in good time.

I'll just have five minutes.

The route taken.

The weather was very good and the walk excellent.

P.S. The latest blog from the intrepid holidaymakers.

A very relaxing journey down the Mekong River. 

Som introduced us to their Cambodian KFC but we declined because it turned out to be Khymer Fried Crickets .........

our guide Som who looked after us very well.

Our new friend

 Played pool ....

Ps   ---------- is really taking good care of us. We now travel everywhere in her handbag next to the passports.