Wednesday 10 February 2016

5th February 2016 Walking from Loddington to Launde Abbey. approx 5miles.

We arrived at Loddington village, parked up and got into boots and waterproofs. No one was taking any chances with grey clouds every where and it was quite chilly, 8 degrees, someone said.  A good turnout of walkers, sixteen in all.

We headed for the church which stands on it's own in the corner of a field and at this time of the year surrounded by snowdrops.

The walkway to the church is down an avenue of trees carpeted in snowdrops.

Cameras came out and a lot of photographs were taken.

Willie and Sheila had a closer look at the flowers.

The photographers did too.

It will be a great shot by ?

Daffodils were popping out here and there.

As we left the church to cross the field back to Loddington it was quite noticeable that SUPER MOLE had been here earlier.

We climbed up and over the hill on our way to our destination Launde Abbey. On leaving the village it was noticed that a tea pot had been misplaced.

The weather was good and we weren't the only people taking advantage of it.  

Farmyards in wet weather are not the most appealing places.

Best grub around at the moment.

One for the woodburners?

All going well, so it should be, we haven't reached the up and down bit yet.

Even the lorry seemed to struggle up this small hillock.

Well, we made it, much to the delight of several walkers.

That's where we're heading to - Launde Abbey - it looks very tranquil set in Leicestershire's gorgeous countryside.

Approaching the Abbey there was a definite quickening of pace.

No time for silly signs - soup was awaiting.

Just outside the Abbey there's a tree with a sinking appearance.

Lunch is served.

And cakes of course.

Scones, cream and jam.

This is one happy chappie who likes his scones jam first, cream next.

Lunch over, we put our boots back on and got ready for a quick walk around the kitchen garden and the snowdrop walk.

Say cheese!

Fancy meeting you here.

When you leave Launde Abbey there's a hill,  a big one.

And it's great when you get to the top because from there it's downhill all the way back to the cars.

Fantastic walk - see you next week at the usual time 10.30 am.

Thank you for all the wonderful photos - what a team!

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