Monday 1 February 2016

29-01-2016 Walking in Bradgate Park approx 3.5miles.

We met up at Bradgate Park, 'Leicester's jewel in the crown' on a cool but clear morning and soon got on our way.

You can see from the map the route we took; from the Newtown Linford car park to the Cropston car park and back via the Visitor Centre and Deer Barn tea room.
The original plan was to walk on the higher ridges of the Park but we felt that it was a bit too blustery and wet underfoot to do that so we opted for the lower terra firma route.

Outside the gates we posed for a group photo to embarrass the kids(!). 

Then off we set walking along side the stream where quite often the resident deer will come for water.

There is a photographer around every corner taking shots of each other!

Something chose to disregard this request.

Part of the ruins of Lady Jane Grey's Bradgate House.

Happy lady 

A great action picture, all eyes right please.

It has to be said that some people who come to the park should go back to school to learn to read then dogs really would be on leads and people wouldn't feed the deer.  Pretty obvious really.

We got to the Cropston car park just as a ranger was coming into the park. 

Turning around at this point we headed back to the Deer Barn coffee house for a comfort break.

After a cuppa (and cake) and a good natter we piled out of the coffee house and headed back to the cars.

A lovely day out yet again. 

If the weather is as good next Friday the snowdrop walk to Loddington will be great.

Don't forget, 09.30 am start at Cosby Village Hall car park.

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