Wednesday 9 August 2017

4th August 2017 round trip from Huncote Pavilion to Croft via Croft Hill. Approx 5mls.

Our walk today started at The Huncote Pavillion (Sports and Leisure Centre).

The weather was dry and breezy with plenty of fluffy clouds when we parked up and started our walk.

Walking out of Huncote there is a raised section of pavement. This is to keep your feet dry when we have an overdose of rain.

Turning into the nature reserve there is a set of steps on the right, provided by Bardon Quarries, to take you up to the viewing area and on to the top of Croft Hill.

For info: Croft Hill stands 128m high in a largely flat area of Leicestershire. The Hill provides a number of habitats including broad-leaved woodland, scrub land, acidic grassland and two other distinct areas of grassland. The site has been a SSSI since 1956 and forms a natural focus of the passage of spring and autumn birds.  It has a good system of paths.  For those who are not energetic enough to take the steps to the top of the hill, there are pleasant walks on well made paths around the base.  These include boarded walks in damper areas and a jetty that protrudes out into the lake allowing a chance to look into the shallow water near the edges.  Parking is available in various places but is limited.

Today for the first part of our walk we are keeping to the lower part of the hill walking along some of the boardwalks by the lakes.

As the walk progressed a helicopter appeared and hovered above which provided a talking point as to why it was there.  We came to the conclusion that it was something to do with the maintenance of pylons in the area.

We continued to the next boardwalk and the sun made a welcome brief appearance from behind the clouds.

We moved on to the far end of the boardwalks where the quarry contractor has provided another set of steps up the hill.

Leaving the brook which follows quite a lot of the path we turned to go up.

And up.

Some of us were in need of a break whilst others got their heads down and got on with it.

But then decided perhaps a rest would be a good idea!

The view got better and better the further up you climbed.

At the top of the steps we found we then had to climb up the grassy slope to reach the top. 

As you can see, it was worth it -  the view from the top is stunning. We could spot the surrounding villages and landmarks for miles and miles around us.

Moving on, we took the path along the top of the side of the quarry. We would be able to see the actual quarry and the workings a little further along.

Views of the quarry - the depth is quite breathtaking. 

From this height vehicles operating below look like Dinky toys. 

Leaving the top of the quarry we decided to head for the Heathcote Arms in Croft as we had earlier forewarned them that a group of some twenty strong walkers were headed in their direction for approximately 12.00 pm.

Are these edible? Good question. Nobody was happy to sample them them so we still don't know.

Arriving at the Heathcote Arms, the coffee and tea were ready to serve so no waiting, just more time for a natter.

A reflective view.

After our break we walked back to Huncote the easy route along the bottom of Croft Hill. 

Arriving back in Huncote the sun was out and the weather was much more settled than when we left.

Everybody agreed that it was a very pleasant walk and looked forward to next week.

On August the 18th we are having an away-day: Moreton in Marsh, a circular walk, taking a packed lunch and an evening meal at a pre booked pub. The more the merrier -  please let us know next Friday if you wish to join us.

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