Tuesday 31 October 2017

27th October 2017 Walking from Martinshaw Woods, Ratby to Forest Hills Golf Club and back approx 5 miles.

A beautiful bright, crisp day, ideal for walking and enjoying the colours of Autumn. 

We set off into Martinshaw Woods on the start of our walk and we were not disappointed with the colours surrounding us.

 It just got better as we walked on.

Greens and browns of all shades set beneath a bright blue sky with the occasional fluffy white cloud. 

We crossed the main road from Ratby to Markfield into Pear Tree Wood (not a pear tree in sight).



A few more snaps of the scenery.

Out of Peartree Woods we headed into Borrough Woods famous for the bluebell display in the Spring. 

Without the bluebells it's just as gorgeous - well worth the visit at this time of the year.

Silver Birch changing colour as the sunlight moves around. 

 Walking down to the golf course.

That's the way.

The trees on the golf course look exceptionally healthy considering the battering they take from misplaced golf balls.

Safely off the golf course we headed for a cuppa at the golf house restaurant.

As usual plenty of chat with the coffee and tea.

Well appointed gardens and well baked scones.

Great to sit out in the sun in October. Let's hope we have plenty of the same before winter sets in.

Refreshed, we set off on our return trip.

As the sun started to lower in the sky the shadows made even more impact on the scenery.

A wider view of Leicestershire.

Out of Peartree and back into Martinshaw Woods.

 Near to the end of our walk.

Back in to the car park with the seat available for boot removable.

Hope the weather is as good next week.

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Friday 20th October 2017 walking from Enderby Leisure centre. 5 mls.

Dry, a little damp and a grey sky. Autumn has settled in.

Meeting today at Cosby Village Hall then moving on to Enderby Leisure Centre to meet up with other walkers.

Out of the Leisure Centre and down the lane heading towards Narborough.

Across the  footbridge over the M1.

Under the motorway bridge into Narborough.

After walking through Narborough village we turned on to the old quarry railway track which would take us back towards Enderby.

Over one of the bridges where you could see Croft Hill in the distance. 

 A slightly different angle showing rivets holding the bridge together.

Two views of Croft Hill.

We diverted off the path to have a break at the Copt Oak for coffee and tea.

 A little bit of advertising for a very welcoming pub.

 In moderation perhaps?

Back out on to the path leading to Enderby.

 At the end of the railway path we turned right back into Enderby and then on to the Leisure Centre - a very enjoyable 5 mile walk.

A view of some old art work on the last bridge.

See you all next week.