Sunday 1 October 2017

30.9.2017 Burbage Woods app 4 mls.

One of those days again - was it going to be wet or was it going to be dry? It wasn't raining when we met at Cosby car park where we discussed last week's walk in Derbyshire and welcomed back a walker who couldn't join us then because of an accident - she was bit battle scarred but in great spirits as usual.

Meeting at the parking place on Smithy Lane, Burbage Woods - it was wet underfoot so we prepared for a bit of the wet stuff.

Off we went, peeking from beneath those hoods that keep you dry, impair your vision and give you no idea of whom is walking behind you.

Five minutes later the sun came out and we started peeling off because it was far too warm.

Once out of the trees the rain start to drizzle again just to make sure that all the puddles were topped up for the rest of the walk.

At this time of the year the trees are just starting to change into Autumn colours and later on in the month we hope to come across some spectacular displays. 


Coming into the next section of the woods it was definitely a case of avoid the puddles if you can.

Then out into the open on the way to the Visitor Centre and a cuppa and cake.

Gaint Butterfly trapped under foot.

As usual at Acorns Cafe, the cakes were too good to resist.

Walkers' fare.

Mug shots.!!!

For warmer days?

On the way back we stopped on the railway bridge expecting a train to arrive at any moment. Got the cameras out and guess what, no train. 

Leaving the train spotting for another day we set off back to the woods via two or three fields whilst the sun was out.

Missed the train - you can just see it in the distance, between the trees.

Fortunately, the path went round this ploughed field. To trudge over it would have been hard work.

Back down into the woods.

Back at the car park. All dry, sun shining and all smiling.😀

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