Wednesday 8 November 2017

3rd November 2017 walking from Mowsely to Gumley. approx 6 miles.

It was a great day for a walk, the weather forecast was bright for the morning and most of the afternoon. With that information from the weather man, we set off for Mowsely and from there on to Gumley.

After meeting up in Mowsely by the village hall we started walking out of the village towards Laughton and Gumley.

Farm machinery is enormous when you are sharing a country lane.

Everyone through safely.

On our way we met some of the locals out for a walk in the opposite direction.

There were plenty of passing places for us to squeeze into when necessary.

Into the village of Laughton where there are plenty of chocolate box properties to admire.

Autumn splendour.

A remnant from Halloween night.

Out of Laughton and on towards Gumley.

We came across a local artist sketching the beautiful Leicestershire countryside in the Autumn sunshine with its dramatic shades and shadows.

Up to Gumley and the cricket club with its pitches now closed for the winter.

Down into the village we came across a badger which sadly hadn't made it across the road quickly enough.

Hope the rest of her family is okay and they avoid the roads in future.

In Gumley we made our way to the Bell. Great coffee served here and the meals are quite scrumptious too according to several of our walkers who have visited on more than one occasion.

We appreciate this 'new to us' outdoor seating area - sometimes inside the pub with a roaring fire is a bit much when we're dressed for the great outdoors!

After a relaxing cuppa with a chocolate and a chat we departed on our way back to Mowsley.

One walker got quite attached to a pumpkin.

 Pyracantha in it's glory - that prickly plant with nasty spikes and lots of berries the blackbirds love.

Lots of local interest in Gumley.

On the way out of Gumley more of our four legged friends came to say bye bye.

A herd of cows had moved closer to the lane crossing through the fields and provided some photographic moments.

Everybody walked through without a problem. The cows are obviously quite used to walkers along this particular stretch of road.

Trees standing majestically in the sunshine.

Back into Mowsley after a great walk.

See you all next week - with good weather again hopefully.

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