Monday 9 July 2018

15th June. Cosby to Croft app 6.3 mls.

 Weather was just right for walking - we decided to walk from Cosby to Croft.

Out of the village by various paths known only to local pathfinders.

Into the fields. 

 Down towards the duck pond (photographed last year - it hasn't changed much so nobody took a photo).

 Turning left through a field of oil seed rape.

Pretty thick when you get down to it.

Then on towards Croft which you can see in the distance. 

Over a stile now and then -  sometimes a queue.

 Over the busy old A46.

 Across a field of maize.

Blackberries in the making.

Through the local art gallery.

Over a bridge renowned for kingfisher sightings - none today though. 

 Into the Heathcote Arms greeted by their new welcome party.

 Can you spot the difference?

On the way back, same way as we came, it just looks different in reverse.

 Over that busy road again.

Passed the windmill and only a couple of miles to the end of the walk. 

Looking forward to next week and the weather is set to get warm according to the experts.

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