Tuesday 11 December 2018

30.11.2018 Walking from Cosby to Broughton Astley via golf course and Cottage Lane then return via the fields. app 6 miles.

It was a nice bright sunny morning as we all met at Cosby Village Hall car park. We would be walking from Cosby out of the village towards the golf course through a couple of fields to start with.

Twenty two walkers all raring to go. 

Walking along Main Street on the other side of the brook opposite the church.

Over the fields and into the golf course via a very slippery stile.

We expected to see more golfers than we did and they were a long way off.

Cosby has the benefit of two golf courses, one either side of the village.

Leaving the golf course we headed up Shuttleworth Lane to the junction with the main Lutterworth Road. Here we turned right and then turned right again onto Cottage Lane heading towards Broughton Astley.

 Along Cottage Lane we did unfortunately come across signs of fly tipping which is not a very pretty sight along our country lanes.

After entering Broughton Astley we made our way to the White Lion for coffee and tea and a bit of a natter before getting ready for the return walk.

We left Broughton Astley via the public pathway just off the Broughton ring road running along side the road to Cosby.

This time of the year you never know what conditions you might find in the fields.

Apart from a bit of mud it was not too bad. 

There were some challenging styles to negotiate.

A few clouds were gathering and the sun looked as if it was starting to set although it was still a couple of hours before sunset.

 After the last field we headed back to the car park via The Nook in Cosby.

Very good walk, everybody really enjoyed it and looking forward to next week.

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