Sunday 17 February 2019

1st February 2019 Walking from Broughton Astley to Lutterworth Road and back app 4.5 miles.

The weather was not fantastic, it was a bit on the cold side but with everybody wrapped up it was not a problem.

Parking our cars at the White Horse in Broughton Astley we set off along Cottage Lane towards the Lutterworth Road, the A426.

A showy display of snowdrops to cheer us on our way.

All wrapped up and ready to go.

A very happy chappy.

The chat flowed backwards and forwards.

The duck pond we have passed many a time.

 Signs of the cold nights that we have been having.

Two miles up Cottage Lane we came to a stop and turned around and set off back the way we'd come.


Passing the local farm which had just turned out the manure from the cow sheds. What a PHEW!

The purpose of our route was finally revealed. Not a clue did the victim have, oh, we do like a surprise.

A great rendition of HAPPY BIRTHDAY filled the street and the surprise was complete, GOTTCHA!

Then we all piled into two of our walkers' house which had been transformed into a grand cafe for the day.

What a great job they made of it. Everybody was so appreciative. Their names are Granny and Grandad.

Guess who is SEVENTY years young today?

Ah, the victim, the one with the badge. 

Sometimes, you just can't help it!

Plenty of chat.

We all had a great party, really enjoyed by everybody.

We must do it again some time.

Thank you everyone, especially our hosts for the day.

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